I’m Thomas Poetter from Switzerland. I have 20 years‘ AI, NLP & computer vision work experience, mainly as IT architect. As CEO of the successful Compris.com startup (IT products and services, mainly around AI/NLP), I offer (co)investments, business contacts mainly in Europe but also in the US Tech industry. We work mainly for US start-ups and European big tech. Our core expertise comprises IT/AI architecture & computer vision. We‘re working also on DLT, intelligent IoT devices and eLearning apps. I look for sales-oriented business partners, investors or customers in general. Currently, we work on these main topics (where we offer R&D partnerships, sub-contracts, co-investment and sales partnerships):
- Cybersecurity/SOC (security operations center): Using AI to intelligently detect malware/hackers.
- AI consulting including machine learning (ML), deep learning (DL), data science (DS), computer vision (CV), natural language processing (NLP), probabilistic programming, knowledge modeling, text mining, data mining, ...
- Intelligent Automation and intelligent RPA (Robotic Process Automation), exploiting synergistically the gigantic recent advances in AI, Natural Language Processing (NLP), Computer Vision, OCR/ICR, IDP, etc.
- Autonomous Vehicles: Efficient data transfer/(cloud/Kubernetes) infrastructure, computer vision, navigation, data science, AI/ML.
- Intelligent text/web scraping/extraction, NLP (natural language processing)
- Intelligent semantic marketing, intelligent real-time internet/intranet advertising + cross-/up-selling, MAP (marketing automation platform), CDP (customer data platform), A/B testing, bandit testing.
- eLearning methods and platforms, especially using 3D methods, augmented intelligence, gamification.
- Modern effective wellness, fitness, eLearning and weight loss devices/methods.
- AI-supported project management: AI-driven Agile (AIDA), I’m finishing a book on this.
- Giving the most actionable workshops on flow state – a scientifically proven mental state of optimal performance and creativity - using 3D VR graphics or onsite-training.
- Modern efficient inexpensive blockchains/DLT, NFT (Non-fungible tokens), DAOs, content monetization.
I'm happy to accept connection requests and to follow back:
I’m an AI keynote speaker https://speakerhub.com/speaker/thomas-poetter, e.g. at the GCAIA conference: https://www.linkedin.com/posts/thomaspoetter_artificialintelligence-gcaia2020-rpa-activity-6709453706649321472-wdL2, https://www.linkedin.com/posts/thomaspoetter_edtech-ai-avatar-activity-6767392253204934657-eoyx, https://twitter.com/ThomasPoetter/status/1303688554619506689
My other speaking topics around AI and efficient team work and project management:
- AI-Driven Agile (AIDA): Agile methods: Reducing risks / boosting benefits (Improving the success rates of agile projects)
- Dealing efficiently with Different Personality Types in IT Projects - How to avoid/resolve problems, embrace change and create synergies
- Taking the guesswork out of Deep Learning: Architecture Elements
- Intelligent Automation / Intelligent Robotic Process Automation (IRPA)
- Latest insights regarding Business Strategy
- Marketing 2.0 that works / AI-based (social media) marketing
- Cybersecurity: AI-based Attack and Defense (SOCs, etc.)
- Latest working (e)Learning Techniques for School, Studies & Beyond
- Big Data / Microservices / Serverless: Versioning for Protocols, APIs and Data
- IT Investments/Big Data: Calculating Keep – Modernize – Replace Variants using Numeric Approximation for Nonlinear Technology Waves
- Architecture of a Corporate Memory (for Semantic Marketing, Fraud Detection and Credit Risk Monitoring using SAP and Big Data)
- Architecture of an Open Source Security Operations Center (OS SOC)
- Securing IT/Big Data Systems
- Architecture of Autonomous Driving Systems (Efficient Machine Learning cycles like Tesla)
- Latest Trends in AI/ML/NLP
- Latest Trends in Computer Vision and 3D Object Models
- Synergetic Hybrid Combinations of Graph-based 2D/3D Shape Matching / Object Recognition Approaches with Neural Methods
- Computer Vision: Semantic 2D/3D Object Recognition Approaches
- Deep Learning Architecture Elements for NLP and 2D/3D Object Recognition
- Speeding up Solr Queries
- Microservices and Big Data/Scalability from Key-Ideas and shocking Perspectives for Architects
- Practical Low-Latency Memory-Centric/ In-Memory Computing / In-Memory Data Grids (IMC/IMDGs) with Use Cases
- Data Science for efficiently identifying bugs and finishing projects
- Using Data Science and AI to make Robotic Process Automation (RPA) more robust and intelligent
- Printing money policy to invest in startups / scaleups with great innovative ideas
- What needs to be changed to be able to do without structural recessions?
- How to educate a child to become a tech savvy and possibly a tech millionaire
- Efficient Weight Loss & Fitness / What really is most efficient
- Using public speaking or book publishing to market and sell products or services.
- The psychological aspects of cooperating in projects, team building and team dynamics.
- PerCon Flow, a model for the future of society by applying latest AI/NLP/computer vision/blockchain and 3D/VR/XR technologies: An extension of capitalism with some influences from socialism, resource-based economic models (RBEMs), socio-economic models (SEMs) and latest (team) psychology insights that allows to solve all current challenges and finance the UN SDGs.
- Everything about crypto currencies, NFTs, digital art, best blockchains and portals, 3rd generation blockchains, DeFi, smart contracts, risks & opportunities, ...
- Potentialism / PerCon Flow: How to upgrade our capitalism and make organizations far more efficient.