The Ebonizer (Ebony Archer) is a certified speaker, coach, and author. Her mission in life is "to ebonize" others, which means to help transform them into greatness. As a suicide survivor and overcoming her battles with depression and anxiety, not only has she has become a mental health advocate, but she has dedicated her life to help others to shift their mindset to achieve greatness, hence, this is why she is called "The Mindset Shift Expert.
At the age of 30, The Ebonizer has conquered the world of personal development and her "ebonized" messages can be translated into various mediums such as:
- The Workplace
- Educational Sector (Middle School- Collegiate Level)
- Non Profit/Church Sector
- The Music/Entertainment Industry
The Ebonizer specializes in the areas of personal development and mental health:
- Stress Management & Reduction
- Suicide Prevention
-Overcoming Depression
-Controlling Anxiety
-Law of Attraction
-Self Growth
- Mental Wellness in the Workplace
- Discovering Self-Identity
The Ebonizer's goal is to reach out and "ebonize" the masses through her motivational messages.