Stuart Webb
Scientific Value Builder, author, podcast host
MSc, DPhil

Stuart has been involved in building, scaling, selling businesses and mentoring owners and managers to grow profits and manage their teams to dramatically increase business value, following a career as a research virologist.  This background helped him develop the ‘Scientific Value-Building Machine’ - which produces rapid business growth

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Author  5 Simple Steps To Growing Your Business - The Proven Formula For Building Your Business

Podcast Host  It’s Not Rocket Science : Five Questions Over Coffee


Stuart is looking to connect with business leaders who are growth-hungry and want to accelerate their business by putting in-place repeatable systems to guarantee recurring leads, recurring profits and more time for the business owner.  Stuart has built and exited from three businesses and now shows other leaders how to do the same using the over 200+ tools he has used and developed to make his businesses a success.

Stuart is an entrepreneurial mentor, author and podcast host who specialises in sales &  marketing, transformational leadership, operational excellence, innovation and business scaling. Stuart has been hired by some of today’s most influential brands as well as some of the most growth-hungry small-medium and innovation-led startups, particularly those very competent technical business people who want to be better commercially.

Stuart loves the excitement of innovation and bringing new businesses to life using all the disciplines he learned as a scientist - and the business tools, techniques and templates he has developed since to ensure business growth.

His early background as a scientist (in the labs which would eventually become the place where the Oxford Astra Zeneca COVID-19 vaccine was invented) is very different to most in this field and it gave him the foundations which have underpinned consistent success regardless of the type of business he's supporting. A vital discipline for a scientist is ensuring work is repeatable (the basis of all scientific research).The Scientific Value-Building Machine has been designed to help plan, execute and secure investment; develop and manage the team efficiently; commercialise new products; guarantee recurring leads and recurring profits; increase productivity; hit goals and achieve dreams. The Scientific Value-Building Machine is a uniquely-proven approach to embedding robust thinking and unbreakable formulas as the foundations for business growth. And it works!