- Name
- Sharon Svenson
- Tagline
- Sharon Svenson-Hypnotist
- Credentials
- Hypnosis education and certification from Omni Hypnosis Omni Hypnosis Training Center of Deland, FL Student of Gerald Kein Graduated 2006 An institution which has produced some of the best and most celebrated hypnotists practicing today. Acquired over 300 hours of specialized instruction A.I.D.S Attention Deficit Disorder Breast Enhancement Cancer Childbirth Children's Motivation Depression Learning Enhancement Impotence-Non-Organic Pain Phobia Removal Stress Smoking Cessation Ultra-Height Certification as a Bootcamp Momentum Coach The Coaches Console. 2016-2018 Supported 100's of coaches, healers, and entrepreneurs with mindset issues and in building their businesses under Mentors- Kate Steinbacher and Melinda Cohan The Coaches Console
"Following my joy is my
biggest priority. When we
release fears, limitations,
and made-up rules and
beliefs, feel safe and have
faith in good things coming,
we can relax and follow our
wisdom within. Life makes
sense and becomes a
satisfying enjoyable
I believe in infinite possiblites
and the brillance and genius
within each of us.
We can continue to learn,
change, and be who we want
to be.
As I continue to let go of the
inner-critics a bigger, happier,
engaging life unfolds.
I would love to support you
in having that too."
Sharon specializes in helping
others find their joy, be their
true authentic selves, and live
a prosperous, healthy,
engaging life.
With her proven system
clients have claimed freedom
or relief from insomnia, health
issues, depressions, anxieties,
fears, bad habits, addictions,
poverty mentality, scarcity
beliefs, and much more.
Client's focus instead on what
they want, and move forward
with inspired actions.
They write the book they
always wanted to, see their
business take off, do more
activities they truly love,
enjoy learning new things,
create healthier relationships,
lose weight they have been
struggling to let go of, and
so much more.
The possibilities are infinite.