Sam Kneller
Sam Kneller
Spiritual & Mental Health - Your Biblical Hebrew go-to guy

Sam Kneller is a Theologian, Author, and Teacher. His 7-book series, The Explanation, is a commentary on Genesis 1-3 based on a profound understanding of the Biblical Hebrew words assembled to give the entire Plan of God. Mind-Body Problem Solved explains the origin of consciousness and mind; it's groundbreaking psychology and spirituality for practical nurturing and healing. Sam is the creator of the acclaimed 7 Keys to Master Biblical Hebrew with no fuss, no learning the alphabet, reading, conjugations, or grammar. Anyone can reach the God-intended meaning of Scripture with easy-to-use, online Bible Study tools.

Sam welcomes speaking opportunities about:

  • Biblical subjects related to today's society
  • How to understand the original meaning of Scripture through Biblical Hebrew… with no fuss
  • Consciousness and Mind issues, based on Genesis 2:7, the breath of life

You can get a quick idea of how Sam teaches by doing a 20-minute video mini-course to Uncover the Mystery of Adam and Eve's Nakedness, which is much more than not wearing clothes :)