Dr Ruth Allan
Dr Ruth Allan
Founder and CEO | Executive Brain Health Coach | Motivational Speaker and Brain Health Trainer
Industry and family leaders hire Dr Ruth to win back their energy and time doing what they love by boosting their brain power and performance because most are chained to their past, don’t use the right tools and techniques and have never measured and optimised their unique brain Certified Brain Health Professional & Brain Health Trainer | Certified High Performance Coach | Certified Havening Practitioner | Mental Health First Aider | Trauma Coach Show Host 'Brain Health - Unchaining Your Pain' Member of the College of Medicine and Integrated Health 2022 VIP judge at Imperial College Faculty of Science 'Make a Difference Competition' 2014-date PhD Medical Imaging and Spectroscopy, University of Cambridge (2003) MSc Semiconductor Science and Technology, Imperial College London (1999) BSc Physics and German, Imperial College London (1998) Royal Military Academy Sandhurst 2000

Les Brown, Global Motivational Speaker and trainer, whom Dr Ruth has appeared on stage with, said this about her:

"As you think about your goals and dreams, and if you are ready to step into the life that is waiting for you to live, if you are ready to get out of your head and get into your greatness, you need a trained eye, an accomplished person, an experienced person, that will empower you to transform and to get unstuck and to live from your greatness.

When she speaks angels stop flapping their wings. When you listen to her your life will never be the same again. She is a woman who is making a difference in women’s lives and men as well."

Dr Ruth shares her stories and wisdom in a fun, relatable way, helping her audience uncover hidden truths about themselves that they have never explored before. A successful host of the show ‘Brain Health - Unchaining Your Pain,’ which achieved over 1 million downloads in the first twelve episodes, Dr Ruth isn't afraid to explore taboo topics that many want to talk about, but often don't have the courage to use their voice

She is your voice

As a certified brain health professional, licensed brain health trainer, high performance coach, trauma coach and serving Reservist British Army Officer, she brings a unique and inquisitive perspective to life, focused on supporting your audience in unchaining, unlocking and unleashing their full potential

Industry leaders and entrepreneurs hire Dr Ruth to win back their energy and time doing what they love by boosting their brain power and performance, because most are chained to their past, don’t use the right tools and techniques and have never measured and optimised their unique brain. Her clients range from senior executives to young children

Dr Ruth is a military ski and mountain leader that has been on extreme expeditions including climbing unclimbed peaks in Greenland in 2008 to cycling 969miles in nine days from Lands End to John O'Groats. She loves cycling and mountaineering, is married to Dave and has a daughter Lilly, aged 3.