Rick McCulloch
Rick McCulloch
Profit Acceleration Strategist, Dir. of Lightbulb Moments
Profit Acceleration Strategist

Rick McCulloch, Profit Acceleration Strategist

…with 20+ years of impacting the profits and growth of other businesses.

The culmination of the master coaches and mentors, life experiences that have molded me and taught me my most important lesson …

The purpose of a business is to provide value to others because…

everyone’s favorite radio station is wiiFM – “What’s In It For Me”

I am an Author, Speaker, Profit Acceleration Strategist, the Director of Lightbulb Moments, a Success Engineer, and the Founder of wiiFM Sales and Marketing. He is a profit acceleration strategist, who maximizes your authority, and visibility uncovers hidden profits and a master synthesizer who applies the best in business and scientific thinking, as a crusader for helping you get more clients. 


Have a bachelor’s degree from the University of Manitoba, a certificate in internet technology from the S.A.I.T, and a certificate from the Dale Carnegie Institute, and is a certified copywriter (American Writers and Artists.)


Broad experience has included...

Oil & Gas – 20+ years as a geoscientist directing complex drilling operations, IT, Marketing, and Copywriting


Worked with companies such as…

Imperial Oil, Pembina Pipeline, and small energy consulting companies

Clients have included a local courier company, coaches, EcoPower Industries, and a division SaladMaster


Past member of the Association of Professional Engineers and Geoscientists of Alberta

and a member of various networking clubs


Studied marketing and business masters such as Brian Tracy, Jay Abraham, Dan Kennedy Meir Ezra, JT Foxx, Charlie Cook, David Neagle, Perry Marshall, and Eric Lofholm.


A master of creating sales funnels, media promotions, and certified direct response copywriting.


3 Books

  • The 45-Minute Breakthrough to More Profits” 
  • “Timeless Commandments for Entrepreneurial Success
  • “On Target – Mastering the Four Pillars of Business Success 

~ co-authored with David Shiang,


His favorite quote is:

“Everyone's favorite radio station – Wii|FM - What's In It For Me?”, Zig Ziglar


This is an example talk for Rick McCulloch

Everything You've Learned About Attracting Leads is WRONG!
Business Marketing
Growth Lead Generation


Rick McCulloch has participated in these events

Hosted by Kerry George