Rachel Philpotts she/her/hers
Nutritionist | Mood Expert | Author of 'The Burnout Bible'

Rachel Philpotts is the founder of re:Nu - a functional medicine clinic for burnout and beyond - and the award-winning author of The Burnout Bible: How to tackle fatigue and emotional overwhelm naturally. Having experienced burnout in her 30s, she quit the corporate world and retrained.  Now as a nutritionist, functional medicine practitioner and mood expert, she helps tired and wired career women to wake up feeling energised, focussed and ready to fulfil their true potential utilising root cause clinical testing and ultra-personalised health programmes. 


Alongside her clinic work, Rachel delivers health and wellbeing workshops to the professional services sector and hosts day retreats. 


She frequently speaks about:

  • Burnout & Natural Stress Resilience
  • Food & Mood
  • Hormone Balance & Supporting the (Peri)menopause Naturally
  • Gut-Brain Connection & Gut Health for Mental Health
  • Natural Mental Health


Looking to guest-speak at corporate or community wellbeing events or be a guest on complementing podcasts.