Diana Bourke
Diana Bourke
Astrological, Elemental & Archetypal Emotional Empowerment
Astrology, Emotional Empowerment & Energy Wellness Cnslt

I am Diana, an Astrologer, certified in Emotional Empowerment (working with Archetypal Parts) and Energy Wellness.  As we all become more aware of the human condition, we understand that our life experiences offer us Soul growth and can bring us what feels like waves of opportunity, highs and lows, from amazing joyful moments to some rather painful lessons and times of suffering.  

I have not been spared, but I have come to realize, through various explorations simultaneously, that I actually had a completely different calling than I could have ever imagined growing up in the environment I did, and now feel more connected to my Real more empowered Self, bringing all the pieces together, to help others find their own “I AM” Soul Truth.  

I am here to be of service, to hold space, but also to offer some words of understanding from the knowledge and wisdom I have gratefully been delivered in my many years of learning from some incredible teachers and mentors who came before me.  By using the Emotional Empowerment Processes and exercises, along with Astrology, I can offer guidance and support, my intention is to help you come back into alignment with your True Soul Self and expand that essence into the outer world, so you resonate in the elevated energetic vibrations.  The more we shine our most authentic light and radiate the frequency of love (according to the work from Dr. David Hawkin's Power vs. Force) it expands exponentially to others too, and can manifest a much more enjoyable life that attracts you more harmony, joy, peace, and love! 

Thank You for allowing me to be a part of your courageous exploration, using calm communication, as the observer, to discover what is truly possible for you through connection, compassion and curiosity.


Much Love & Gratitude, xo


Diana Bourke

Alchemy Within … from Out Amongst the StarS

Astrology, Emotional Empowerment & Energy Consultations


Diana Bourke has participated in these events

Hosted by Sherrie Cameron with The Pathway to MORE