Nola Heale, the Profit Margin Detective, helps companies to find hidden profit and efficiencies to speed sustainable growth.
Business owners, especially women, are often told their businesses don’t grow because they “think too small”. Some feel they must be “ready” before making a significant move, or that they need capital first. Too many owners split their time between many responsibilities. They want growth but can’t always devote enough time to finding solutions, stopping the “too busy spiral”, and getting unstuck. Profit can increase, operations can become easier, and the company will achieve their strategy.
Nola earned a reputation for making good companies great and struggling businesses industry leaders.
Interested in various speaking engagements with business, entrepreneurial, and women business owner audiences.
- Entrepreneurs and business owners that know their numbers is sometimes not enough. What is needed to support business growth and stability?
- When owners are too busy and stuck, why is it impossible to innovate and achieve the big results?
- Where to look for hidden profit or efficiencies?
- How can entrepreneurs stop being so busy and have business control?
- What growing six-, seven-, and eight-figure businesses must copy from both start-up and large enterprise companies?
- During rapid growth profit is good, awards arrive, people join. That may be a problem!