Nisreen Mama Foda
Reiki Master Teacher & Hypnotist

Nisreen is a Certified Hypnotist with specialized training in Past Life Regression and Advanced SP Hypnosis through which connection to the Superconscious is established for better and faster results. She is also a Reiki Master/Teacher with a dream to see a Reiki Practitioner in every household. Nisreen founded the Holistic Life Solutions and under it’s umbrella she offers life solutions through Hypnosis, Meditation and Reiki, also offering classes and workshops to share with others and empower them with all that she has learnt. 


This is an example talk for Nisreen Mama Foda

Energy Healing - Why and how it works and the science behind it.
  • Introduction to Energy Healing
  • The science behind Energy healing
  • Different typed of energy healing 
  • How can you incorporate it in your everyday lives. 


Health & Well-being
Energy Energy Healing