Nate Hallums
Nate Hallums he/him/his
The Future of Wellness - Concierge service 90% participation
B.S Engineering, B.S. Finance

Nate Hallums

EHP Wellness Partner - delivering world-class wellness and savings all in one program

Getting his start at a Fortune 50 company, Nate has been an entrepreneur for the last 30 years, always focused in some way on helping executives and owners of businesses, non-profits and places of worship meet their goals.  His target has been in the employee range of 25-250 but can serve businesses as small as 5 full-time employees with no limit on the upside.  His team is managing a relationship with 40,000 employees.

Regarding speaking opportunities, his focus is to use education in wellness and the choices in the market, what to look for.  That would apply to speaking to business owners and executives of any non-profit organizations as well as consultants, coaches, financial professionals who work with that audience.  Consultants and financial professionals have used our service to fund their fee through the savings our plan provides to the client.

Speaking topics would center around the total solution of corporate wellness:

     -  The economics of wellness

     -  Impact of wellness on Employee Turnover/Productivity/Satisfaction/Recruitment/Retention

     -  Wellness case studies - comparing types of plans

For more information, visit Nate's website at or call him at 513.273.7789.



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