Mia Doucet she/her/hers
Mentor to high-achieving women speaks on childhood trauma

Mia Doucet is a mentor to women business owners who, while successful are deeply unhappy.


A founding member and director of Women’s Global Alliance, she has a passion for connecting with people worldwide. 


A multi-award-winning, best-selling author, Mia has written on a diverse number of topics, ranging from doing business with Asian cultures, to energy psychology, to childhood trauma. 


Her latest bookSTRONG: Successful Women Share Stories of Childhood Trauma and Triumph (illustrated in full color) captures her love, fascination and deep interest in children and the impact of disconnection on their lives.


Based on interviews with over 100 women from 22 countries, this book is a combination of Mia’s professional acumen, her ability to connect with people across the globe, get them to share the intimate details of their lives, and capture the essence of their story in few words.


            Her goal with STRONG is to positively affect one million lives. 


Mia’s podcast guest topics include:


  • Wrangling the Imposter Syndrome Hippo: 5 Strategies to Dismantle Its Grip

  • Where were the adults?  The Impact of Absent Adults on Preventable Childhood Trauma