Sailing yachts professionally for over 40 years was an adventurous life especially when my husband was diagnosed with stage 4 melanoma.
I had found out about the power of food when I found out I was celiac, changed my diet and all my illnesses disappeared, including “incurable” autoimmune diseases,
This started me researching everything I could find on natural cancer protocols and I qualified as a Nutritionist to be able to help others.
Fortunately I discovered a protocol which we could do, adapted it to suit our situation and kept my husband tumour free for 7 years 8.5 months before he was killed in an accident.
I have had many fascinating and inspirational experiences, including being poisoned by a yacht in the mid-Atlantic and nearly loosing my life,
We found our sea experience helped in our cancer journey which was one of discovery and experimentation.
Give up at sea, and you die, cancer is the same.
Keep trying, there has to be a way.
If a middle-aged sailor can do it, so can anyone.
I have published a book on how we managed to keep Mike tumour free.
I had found out about the power of food when I found out I was celiac, changed my diet and all my illnesses disappeared, including “incurable” autoimmune diseases,
This started me researching everything I could find on natural cancer protocols and I qualified as a Nutritionist to be able to help others.
Fortunately I discovered a protocol which we could do, adapted it to suit our situation and kept my husband tumour free for 7 years 8.5 months before he was killed in an accident.
I have had many fascinating and inspirational experiences, including being poisoned by a yacht in the mid-Atlantic and nearly loosing my life,
We found our sea experience helped in our cancer journey which was one of discovery and experimentation.
Give up at sea, and you die, cancer is the same.
Keep trying, there has to be a way.
If a middle-aged sailor can do it, so can anyone.
I have published a book on how we managed to keep Mike tumour free.