Melissa Crook's passion is Women's Wellbeing, living as their truest, most authentic selves. She is the Founder & Host of the Embracing Layers Network, with The F.E.E.L (FindingEmpowermentEmbracingLayers) Podcast (since July 2021), and recently adding The Embracing Layers Radio Show, as well as the upcoming release of the book Embracing Layers Unapologetically: Lessons from the F.E.E.L. Podcast’s Collection of Lived Experiences Inviting Women to Discover Their Power and Prioritize Self-care Through the Seasons and Complexities of Their Stories. In her experience women must learn to embrace all of their beautiful, complex layers so that they understand their intrinsic value and see themselves as worth prioritizing. These steps include: Prioritize Self Care, Confidently Set Boundaries, Take Care of Emotional Health as much as Physical Health, Support Yourself & Other Women Unapologetically, Identify Your WHY/ VALUES, Live Out of Your Own Expectations, & how doing this affects the quality of your relationships. Melissa can speak to women about one, two, or all of these points.