Matt Stait
Matt Stait
Multiple business owner, MSc in marketing, world champion martial artist, qualified in conflict management and communication, former security trainer, author of 4 books.

TikTok expert, mindset coach, Speaker, Author and social selling strategist. I help companies connect, grow, and evolve their presence on the exciting platform of TikTok to create sustainable pipelines and help achieve targets and profitability. I work with clients delivering in-house consultancy, training, strategy mapping and profile management. This knowledge is not just theory based as my own profile generates millions of views with a following of over 300,000, using a proven set of strategies that can be structured and implemented through key takeaways in my presentations. 

 I speak on many stages and have successfully coached and taught many businesses and professionals. My background is in teaching, achieving outcomes, and helping others to do so. I am also the author of a number of best-selling books and creator of several online courses and regularly write and present as a subject matter expert in various professional publications and media outlets. I am also a martial arts world champion gold, silver and bronze medallist, multiple black belt,  former bouncer, bodyguard, security trainer and multiple business owner with a goal to help others succeed.
The ethos of my presentations are based in personal action, and I practise what I preach. I grew up as a scrawny, asthmatic, socially awkward kid surrounded by  addiction and bullying. My Father committed suicide in my teens, and I left school with nothing but a diagnosis of PTSD from the exposure to violence. Through martial arts and embarking on a personal journey of education and discovery I have developed a number of topic points around social media, human behaviour and understanding ourselves.


These are example talks for Matt Stait

How to build a community that converts on TikTok
TikTok is now a lot more than a platform for kids dancing. Building an audience on the fastest growing social media site is a great way to gain exposure and build pipelines. However it is more than just putting out interesting content when it comes to building communities that convert. 
Social Media Social Media Courses +2
Stop fearing fear
Stop fearing fear is a deep dive into how we often mistake fear as a negative instead of seeing it for the gift it really is in allowing us to grow, develop, and become all that we are truly capable of. From a difficult childhood to the cold, challenging nights bouncing on nightclub doors, to the crippling feelings of imposter syndrome, to returning to education in later life, to standing up to life's bullies. Fear was given to us for a reason and if harnessed correctly can become the force that manifests change for the better, but if left unchecked can lead to a life cowed through failure to act. 
Confidence Decision-Making +6