Mark Freer
Mark Freer he/him/his
Optimise your energy - show up with more confidence & impact
BSc, FCIM, CPC, MP-ELI, CLDS - Leadership & Team Development

Mark supports leaders, teams, organisations and young talent understand how they show up and optimise their energy, confidence and impact. He is an executive coach, leadership consultant, speaker and podcaster.

Typically Mark works through a range of channels including (1) speaking to large groups at conferences, (2) running tailored face to face workshops for groups of up to 30, (3) delivering webinars with groups up to c.20, (4) facilitating action learning groups of c.10 and (5) providing individual coaching and mentoring sessions.  Here are some examples of Topics Mark is passionate about and speak on:

How leaders show up – On a good day (energetic profile) and on a bad day (stress reaction) – in particular creating awareness of leaders stress reaction, the impact this has, and choices they have to turn up in a better state.

High performance routines – working through a systematic 4 stage framework which allows leaders to perform and recover effectively, so they don’t burn-out and look after their wellbeing and those in their teams.

Energetic Influencers – working through 6 Energetic influencers (Spirit, Mental, Emotional, Physical, Social, Environmental) which increase and decrease your energy, impacting your performance and wellbeing in the moment.

Building High performance teams and leading change – explore the development cycle of building a high performance team as well as exploring leadership change models which inspire and motivate teams to change with you.

Meeting of the Minds – assess the thinking and behaviour preferences of your team, backed by brain science, and how this impacts your teams communication and engagement. The higher the engagement the better the teams wellbeing.

Culture and wellbeing – creating value, beliefs and behaviours which are consistent throughout your organisation – creating leadership role models who inspire and motive teams – increasing productivity, engagement and wellbeing.

Building a personal Brand - learn about the importance of having a personal brand for business and how to go about building it. This topic helps you understand your current brand, what you'd like it to be, and how to develop it creating greater impact.


The following testimonials from clients helps show the impact of my work.

Executive Coaching & Mentoring:

You completely changed my outlook on life. You guided me through my mind so I could move forward." Zoe

“I must admit you have added value to me and I'm most grateful. The thought of being aware and believing in myself is very reassuring to say the least.” Kofi.

“I found it be really very helpful and eye opening. I loved that we discussed the idea of choices and how this is a choice, my choice.” Sophia

“I learned a lot, and it was really effective for me to step out of the business and gain insight from your experience, thanks again for taking the time!” Tessa.


Leadership Workshops & Webinars

“Mark, I’ve really enjoyed the balance of the course, your energy and your passion for the topics. Truly thought provoking! Thank You.” Matt.

“Great Energy and Passion. I like the way you reflect and are very present in the moment.” Sam.

“Mark was a great facilitator engaged the participants and kept the session at a good pace. I now have a wide range of ideas and tools to help my team.” Katherine

Wow! This assessment is amazing. It’s been such an eye opener. Thanks Mark.” Phil.

“Mark has a profound knowledge of energy levels and his positive, professional attitude made it easy for me to have a deeper look at more delicate areas of my personality where I want to develop new behavioural patterns in the future.” Marco.


Sales Training & Speaking

“Thank you Mark. It’s been a fantastic few days. You are the Master of what you do”. James.

“Thanks Mark! There's a lot of great takeaways from both virtual selling sessions. I feel more informed, and more confident approaching customer engagements.” Rochelle.

“Your NPS was 61; Very good especially considering that it was your first one with us. Great Job and thanks a bunch.” George

“Hello Mark, thank you so much for today it's been very inspiring”. Glenda.


Business Skills & Communication

“Excellent clarity, weaving behavioural insights and knowledge to provide practical tools I can use in life and business.”

“It's fantastic; I appreciate all the work and preparation put into the workshop. I liked your positive energy and the way you engaged and responded to the group.”

“Very good content and effective breakout sessions. Mark ran it really well and was an excellent facilitator.”

“Really knowledgeable and made the topic relatable.”

“Really engaging. Gave everyone the chance to speak. Managed the timings really well.”