Marina Erulkar she/her/hers
Customer-centric, data-driven company growth strategist
Master of Science in Management MIT Sloan School

Marina Erulkar was hooked on company growth from early in her career. As a consulting team member working with a multinational enterprise client, Marina created a recommendation that addressed a persistent blockage and drove vital profitable growth. 


To hone her expertise in corporate development, Marina served as an executive in analytic, technology, and consulting companies. She earned a Master of Science in Management from the MIT Sloan School of Management.


Today, Marina specializes in creating company-specific, data-driven strategy to grow and scale her C-suite clients’ mid-sized companies. 


And she delivers measurable results including doubling clients’ revenue in a year.


Marina speaks about company growth including:


  • Know Your Customers to Grow Your Revenue
  • Applying Data to Accelerate Growth


Through her consulting practice, Hampstead Solutions, Marina serves a range of industries including SaaS, technology, financial services, professional services, and healthcare with the same commitment to her clients’ success that started her career.