Marilyn Atteberry she/her/hers
From Seniors to Modern Day Sages
Licensed Avatar Master; CA Life Sec. Teaching; BA Jour

Marilyn Atteberry, 87 and going strong, is co-founder of newly launched Bloomers-to-Bloomers, a company empowering the Grandparent Crowd to debunk the worn-out “Old Age Myth” and with wisdom and gusto grab each day, run with it, and create footprints directing their families to the “Win/Win World” espoused decades ago by Buckminster Fuller 

A former high school teacher in the “ Sex, Drugs, Rock ‘n Roll” era, she created two personal development seminar companies empowering both teens and parents to recognize and release limiting, self-sabotaging beliefs and behaviors.  Presently teaching The Avatar course™ to both adults and children, she witnesses families transform before her eyes and is touched by the vital role grandparents play in the family.  VOILA:  Boomers-to-Bloomers . . . a business empowering seniors to use their time and wisdom to be as Sages of old and "Set A Good Example" for our children, friends, community and world.