Lynn Erasmus
Lynn Erasmus
Break Those Rules and Become Unstoppable
After 12 years in business, I have built up extensive knowledge in branding, publishing, events management, and entrepreneurship - equating to an average of 35 000 hours of expertise. I built my publishing & events company from the ground up and turned it into a 6-figure business and won four awards. Before I left South Africa, I coached the Business Chamber members for a year, moved across three continents in a space of 5 months to build a better life for my family and I then published my book: Break Those Damn Rules in December 2020 in Scotland, UK. I have a diploma in PR & Journalism, Merit Award, another Diploma in Journalism, and recently finished the Speaker Business Accelerator course to be a professional keynote speaker.
From being a waitress to a multi-award-winning journalist & entrepreneur to the publisher, coach, author, and keynote speaker. 
She has designed, worn, and burned most of the t-shirts, but she says you don’t need to. 
After interviewing hundreds of successful entrepreneurs and coaching more than 500 business owners, she realized that they all had one thing in common – adaptability, which started with a mindset change. She shares her knowledge and expertise freely and with honesty, making her relatable to your audience.
She is energetic, engaging, and intertwining humor and wit throughout her talk – underscoring her ethos of the importance of having “More Fun and Less Glum” throughout. 


This is an example talk for Lynn Erasmus

Break Those Rules and Become Unstoppable
We have all reached a stage in our lives, where we became so conflicted by indecision, that we end up being paralyzed with indecision and procrastination. But it is only once we learn to ADAPT - by challenging our comfort zones, ditch assumptions, and break all those rules that kept us small - that we become unstoppable. Through rich storytelling, I share valuable ways on how you can overcome these obstacles and become unstoppable. 
Leadership Mindset +1
Business Development Decision-Making +5