Lucy Turner
Lucy Turner she/her/hers
Multi-Lingual Mood Lift - from a United Nations professional

Award-winning writer, sell-out performer and United Nations civil servant Lucy Turner shares life-improving ideas from ancient and modern languages around the world.  Lucy draws on ground-breaking science, and fun stories from her experience living and working on 5 continents, to give your audience a Multi Lingual Mood Lift: access to words that help them feel joy, see beauty, believe in a better world, and their own power to create it. 

To restore hope, Lucy also shares good news from around the world, drawing on her direct experience of working with governments and community-based organisations.  Her work has been showcased at the UN Security Council, UNDP Executive Board, Commission on the Status of Women, World Data Forum, and World Economic Forum (Davos).

Lucy will give your readers a reason to smile - and a language to keep them smiling after your event. 

  • “A tonic and breath of fresh air. . remarkable." - Lord George Robertson, 10th Secretary General of NATO.