Lucinda Sykes
Helping women get their best sleep naturally after 50.

Lucinda Sykes MD is a retired Canadian doctor who speaks out for women struggling to get the sleep they need after 50. 

For many years, Lucinda has been the director of Meditation for Health clinic in Toronto. More than 6000 patients attended medical programs of mindfulness at her clinic — referred by their doctor for help with stress-sensitive conditions, such as chronic pain, anxiety, insomnia, fibromyalgia, cancer, heart disease. 

After retiring from medical practice in 2022, Lucinda felt guided to continue her deep interest in lifestyle coaching. She established ‘Joyful After 50‘ — her clinic’s online outreach, serving Women 50+. 

Lucinda regularly teaches ‘Mindful Women 50+‘, an online group program of mindfulness, and she offers private coaching for women who want extra support to get their best sleep naturally after 50.

Lucinda's most requested public talk is “Sleep Without Pills – Science Shows Serious Risks of Sleeping Pills"

“More than a third of older women struggle to get enough sleep. And many depend on nightly sleeping pills — they don’t realize these pills increase their risk for Alzheimer’s Disease, cancer, kidney disease, and a shortened lifespan. I'm a retired Canadian doctor summarizing years of scientific research that shows the danger of these drugs. Women need natural restorative sleep, not pills.”


This is an example talk for Lucinda Sykes

Sleep Without Pills

More than a third of older women struggle to get enough sleep. And many depend on nightly sleeping pills — they don’t realize these pills increase their risk for Alzheimer’s Disease, cancer, kidney disease, and a shortened lifespan. 

I’m a retired medical doctor who speaks for natural solutions and honest medicine. In this talk, I’ll summarize  reliable research that shows the serious risks of sleeping pills, and their addictive potential. We’ll also highlight the path to natural sleep. 

Note: This talk is dedicated to the memory of my dear grandmother who developed early-onset Alzheimer's Disease after many years of nightly sleeping pills.


Lucinda Sykes has participated in these events

Hosted by Elizabeth Johnston