Louise Plant
Louise Plant
Changing Lives One at a Time
Bch Nat Sc, ND, HonBM, Post Grad HE

Louise is an Infopreneur, Educator, Author and Complementary Therapist  who embraces change, awakening and freedom from struggle and pain.    

She has 30 years experience as a Naturopath, Master Herbalist, Holistic Nutritionist, Counsellor, Teacher and Spiritual Healer treating those who are disconnected, frustrated and feel like they fail. 

She has been teaching and content writing on a wide array of Health and Wellbeing subjects for over 25 years and is a passionate, motivated and illuminated speaker who shares her mission to raise global consciousness. 

She has a following of clients and students from over 30 years who have experienced a wide range of life transformations aimed to unite great health, relationships and families. 
She the founder of The Expansion Project ™, helping achiever to find reconnection, inspired creativity and happiness in all aspects of their lives. She also runs a practice and manages an online herb wholesale business.

She is available for speaking engagements and can be contacted via email at planter@wn.com.au or via phone on 0418 940 653
She looks forward to sharing with you