Leigh Huxley
Leigh Huxley
Life experiences. Owned a successful Skin Care business in SA 1989-2000 Qualified as a Spiritual Life Coach in 2020

I am an Identity & Transformational Coach. I support women to come into right relationship with themselves through unconditional love & acceptance.

The biggest emotional pain points in my life have been with spousal relationships &, in particular, love triangle relationships. What I didn't realise at the time was that these were as a result of my own lack of self acceptance & self-worth. I was a people pleaser, a rescuer, a fixer & a perfectionist & incredibly critical of myself. These traits landed me in hot water many a time! I carried deep guilt & shame around my behaviour & choices for most of my life until I did the inner work. 

I now know that that the turmoil I was experiencing in my outer world was as a result of the turmoil I was experiencing in my inner world. 

I speak from my heart & am able to share from an authentic & vulnerable place around my experiences of/around perfectionism, infertility, infedility & conceiving my son through an extramarital relationship, divorce, blended families & supporting my son through 2 psychotic episodes in 5 years.

Life can be challenging. If, however, we are willing to shift our perspective, we grow & are able to find the gifts within the shadows.