Kristin Sparks is a best-selling author, speaker, transformational facilitator, and the host of The WRAR with Sparks Show: Love, Joy & Grace. She is a philosopher and a deep thinker, and always searching and mastering ways in which to help the greater good, which is exemplified through her multiple positions and endeavors.
Kristin is the founder and CEO of WRAR, Inc., a personal communications and connections company that empowers women, individuals, entrepreneurs, and executives through “out-of-the-box” self-discovery experiences. She and her team support and celebrate women on their individual journeys of self-metamorphoses. Through her broadcast “The WRAR with Sparks Show,” Kristin converses with diverse leaders on multifarious topics, including authenticity, empowerment, health and wellness, and spirituality. She is an expert in Trauma and Shame Recovery, a master trainer in the Canfield Methodology, a Barrett’s Values Leadership and Coaching Certified Consultant, and an Infinite Possibilities Trainer.
Having survived childhood sexual abuse, and multiple other traumas including abusive relationships, Kristin then had to navigate and overcome a terrible freak accident that left her handicapped and in chronic pain, throwing her whole life upside down. From being bedridden to wheelchair not expecting to walk again, Kristin pushed her boundaries and beliefs in order to repair and rebuild her body, eventually working up to using a cane and just as she was finding her footing, she was diagnosed with aggressive esophageal cancer.
Kristin’s unending strength, courage, and endurance gave her the ability to beat cancer with positivity and joy, just as she has done with all her life’s challenges. She now makes it her mission to pass that ability on to her clients through Love, Joy, and Grace. Her passion is to help those who feel invisible find themselves and those who feel unheard find their voice.
Today Kristin is a Pole Dancer using her safety poles to dance her way back to a life filled with play, laughter, and happiness, and is currently heading towards dancing solely on her own two feet. Her challenges have strengthened her and made her genuinely grateful for all that life offers. She celebrates love, joy, and grace in living life every day with her family of choice, including her wife of over twenty years and their two fur babies from her Sunkissed Florida paradise.