Keith Seward
Keith Seward he/him/his
Smartphone Filmmaking , YouTube , Business Storytelling
BA (Hons), MA

Keith from Compass Video delivers a number of one day training workshops. He also offers to deliver taster sessions at events, networking and talks. These can be adapted to fit the audience and the amount of available time. 

Smartphone Filmmaking

For your day to day content requirements you can learn to use your smartphone to create professional looking; engaging; quality content. This can then be used across all your channels to support marketing; social media and internal communications. Our clients understand the importance of video to achieve business success in today’s market. Sometimes you might not have a budget for content creation, which can be frustrating when you can see the benefits professional content can deliver. Our training helps you use your smartphone to create videos.

YouTube Channel Mangement

Are you trying to start or do you manage a YouTube channel? Do you understand how watch time is more important than view count? Find the answer and more tips to starting and running a successful YouTube channel. 

Open Source Software for creatives

Did you know that there is a large amount of freely available software that can be used to create and edit videos and photos? or even animations? Find out what is available, what will work for you and how to use it

Business Storytelling

Being remembered, being honest and being open are vital skills to develop to be successful today. People will research a person or a business, long before they make contact or a purchase. Use storytelling to make engaging and memorable content.