Katie Nall, Ph.D.
Katie Nall, Ph.D.
WAFFLES Dissolver (worries, anxiety, fear, frustration, lethargy, exhaustion, and stress - TM)
TEDx Speaker Ph.D. Mathematics Education, Florida Institute of Technology Advanced Certified Master Trainer Emotional Freedom Technique Certified Virtual Presenter, National Speakers Association Professional Member, National Speakers Association Author, "Shower Blessings: Finding Time to Meditate in our Busy Lives"

Energetic guest! 

Not only does our next guest have her Ph.D. in Mathematics Education, she also is a TEDx speaker, a professional member of National Speakers Association, and an Accredited Master Trainer and Certified Practitioner in Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT) with additional training in trauma and quantum EFT. Whether in person or online, Dr. Nall shows others how to dissolve their WAFFLES – worry, anxiety, fear, frustration, lethargy, exhaustion, and stress (TM). A careless housekeeper and worse cook with no desire for rehabilitation she somehow is still married to the same person for over 48 years. 


As a mature graduate student and while working full-time, Dr. Nall returned to college after a 30-year absence to begin her studies in her mid-50s. Initially looking for a method to assist college students overcome their fear and anxiety about math and test, Dr. Nall searched for solutions during research for her dissertation. Finding no options, she opted to search how to overcome fear and anxiety in general. In 2010, she watched Nick Ortner's 10 Day Tapping Summit and wondered if tapping would work for students. She bought the book and DVD and taught herself. Both the students and Dr. Nall were surprised when students successfully completed their math requirements!


Believing she needed formal training, Dr. Nall completed levels 1, 2, 3, trauma, and quantum (!) training in Emotional Freedom Technique (also called EFT or Tapping), became a mentor, supervisor and is now a Master Trainer. As reference, it took Dr. Nall four years to complete her Ph.D. in Mathematics Education while working full-time and eight years to complete EFT Master Trainer while working full-time. 


With clients world-wide, Dr. Nall loves to share tapping and happily provides demonstrations during events!