Julio Menochelli
Publishing Adviser Julio Menochelli he/him/his
I help Publishers find the right people for the right job
BA in English & Portuguese; BA in Law; Book expert

Julio Menochelli, RSA, LCCI has been involved in ELT books for over 25 years. He worked at Macmillan, Pearson, HarperCollins, Santillana, Helbling English, and Express Publishing, amongst others. He is an Oxford University Press and Santillana author of ELT books. He is a Pipplet (ETS Global) Brazilian Portuguese Partnering Assessor and a Cambridge University English Examiner. He also teaches English for Academic purposes to PhD candidates worldwide. He is also a fiction and non-fiction manuscript critical reader and currently works as a Senior Publishing Consultant for several publishing houses. He is also an anti native-speakeriasm advocate.