Jose Pereira
Jose Pereira he/him/his
Coach, Motivational Speaker, Author and Hostage Survivor

Jose Pereira, is a former oil company executive with thirty-five years of experience and the former CEO of Citgo Petroleum, endured 1,775 days of unjust captivity in Venezuela as part of the CITGO6, a group of six Americans employed by Citgo. His wrongful detention, solely based on his American nationality, lasted from November 21, 2017, to October 1, 2022.

Since his return, Pereira has reunited with his family and penned his memoir and became a Leadership and Resilience Coach and a Leadership and Motivational Speaker. 

He advocates for Americans unlawfully detained abroad and strives to amend US laws concerning these injustices.

 Collaborating with Bring Our Families Home (BOFH), Pereira was instrumental in shaping the protocol that facilitated the return of Americans held captive as hostages worldwide, altering the narrative of how such cases are handled. Pereira's experiences living and working globally foster compassion across cultural and political boundaries, empowering individuals to effect positive change and raise awareness.

Jose walks the walk and talks the talk as a true survivor that implemented himself his unique Leadership and Resilience coaching technique to survive his 5 years of captivity , because he discovered that EVERYBODY has inside that inner force and he will make you unleash your unbreakable spirit to covert you in a Great Leader in your Business and in your life.

Pereira's memoir offers a gripping account of the events leading to and during the CITGO6 imprisonment. He and his wife engaged in a daring act of smuggling letters to each other, reminiscent of Anne Frank's bravery during the Nazi regime, providing vital inspiration for his book. Their determination under duress adds depth to Pereira's narrative, transporting readers to his grim cell and eventual joy upon learning of his impending release.

Pereira's story has sparked a movement, reshaping the narrative of wrongful detainment. His advocacy is not only transforming the lives of prisoners but also influencing global politics surrounding such cases. Additionally, he is working on a guidebook to assist returning detainees in successfully reintegrating into society, a unique contribution in this field.

Furthermore, Pereira offers his expertise in corporate speaking engagements, inspiring Corporations, Collage, Universities and Employees to cultivate strength and resilience. 

His signature speech, "From Captivity to Freedom," and the “4X Tools to Unleash your Unbreakable Leadership spirit” delivers messages of hope, faith,  perseverance and Leadership , motivating audiences to never give up under any circumstance and become the great leader that everybody has inside

Invite Pereira to your corporate stages and events to inspire your teams and instill a culture of Leadership and Resilience and determination.


These are example talks for Jose Pereira

From Captivity to Freedom: Embracing Resilience with the power of Love, Faith and Hope

Looking for a speaker to elevate your event and motivate your organization? Jose Pereira’s tale of resilience and survival will captivate and inspire your audience. Book Jose Pereira for your next corporate events, leadership retreats, conferences, or workshops. https://www.joseconnect.com



Jose Pereira shares his story of being held hostage and how we can overcome adversity through resilience, hope, love for the family, and faith in God. He discusses how he survived his tragic experience daily, week by week, month by month, year by year until he returned after 1775 days of captivity.

  • Emphasizes the importance of holding hope and having a powerful belief system to navigate challenging situations.
  • Shares his personal story of being held hostage and overcoming adversity through resilience, hope, love for family, and faith in God.
  • Describes the small and large things that allowed him to persevere through his trial.


Jose Pereria discusses how he turned his traumatic experience into an opportunity for growth and transformation. This focuses on the in-depth steps he took through his LPSG Program (Life Pills for a Survival Guide) and the ones he is still taking to rebuild my life physically and emotionally. Jose is a normal human being who survived a tragedy. He offers insights and tools on how others can find strength within themselves to overcome their adversities.

  • Discusses turning a traumatic experience into an opportunity for growth and transformation.
  • Shares steps taken through the LPSG Program and ongoing efforts to rebuild his life physically and emotionally.
  • Offer insights on finding strength within oneself to overcome adversities.


Jose Pereria focuses on tapping into one’s inner strength and resilience and cultivating your inner life and spirituality. He shares the strategies and practices that helped him find the courage to endure and overcome his captivity. Jose discusses the power of having a positive mindset, self-belief, and determination to face any challenge head-on. He shows that under adversity, you always have to keep calm and focused, don’t worry about things you can’t control, and try to manage your adversity one day at a time.

  • Focuses on tapping into inner strength and resilience, cultivating spirituality and inner life.
  • Shares strategies and practices that helped you find the courage to endure and overcome captivity.
  • Discusses the power of a positive mindset, self-belief, and determination in facing challenges head-on.

The 4X Growth tools to unleash your unbreakable leadership spirit

Tapping into your inner force connected with your higher power to motivate you to be successful in your business and in your life. (Spanish or English)

  • Join me on an inspiring journey as I share the 4X growth formula secrets that have led me to success in both business and life. Learn about resilience, determination, adaptability, leadership, and unlocking your potential in this motivational video. 
  • Embark on a transformative exploration of resilience, determination, adaptability, and leadership as I reveal the 4X growth formula secrets that have shaped my career. Discover how these principles can empower you to overcome challenges and achieve success.


Jose discusses the concept of post-traumatic growth and how his experience as a hostage led him not only to survive but to thrive. He shares the lessons learned, the personal growth he experienced, and the new perspectives he has gained because of this crisis. Jose encourages the audience to embrace the idea that resilience and growth can emerge from challenging circumstances.

  • Discusses the concept of post-traumatic growth and how the hostage experience led to personal growth and new perspectives.
  • Shares lessons learned and encourages the audience to embrace resilience and growth in challenging circumstances.
  • Shows how we can not only survive tragedy but turn the experiences of a crisis to our advantage and move forward with our lives.
Leadership Mindset
Overcoming adversity Positive Leadership +3
Life Pills for a Survivors Guide-LPSG Leadership and Resilience Coaching Program

I help CEOs, Business Owners, and Entrepreneurs overcome challenges and thrive in their personal and professional lives and tap their inner force and unleash the unbreakable spirit to convert them in Great Resilient Leaders through my LPSG coaching program and my inspirational leadership speech, 

My coaching program, LPSG, is based on my unique experience of surviving five years as a hostage in Venezuela, where I faced the evil practice of hostage diplomacy

I am Bilingual Speaking (English / Spanish)

I am a Founder and CEO of Coach as a Survivor LLC

With more than 35 years of experience in the oil and gas industry been a CEO of a Multinational , I have led strategic planning, financial management, and joint ventures with several international partners as a CFO and CEO of Citgo Petroleum and other top executive positions.

Jose walks the walk and talks the talk as a true survivor that implemented himself his unique technique to survive his 5 years of captivity , because he discovered that EVERYBODY has inside that inner force and he will make you unleash your unbreakable spirit to covert you in a Great Leader in your Business and in your life. 

He is a life testament that it works. If Jose could make it you can make it too and he is here to make it happen.

Come and work with him a very persona and unique one on one session that will empower you to become a better Leader. 

Just contact him to begun your Journey . 

I help my clients tap into their unbreakable spirit and boost their leadership capabilities, management performance, communication skills, employee engagement, and teamwork. 

My mission is to help my clients bounce back stronger from any adversity and achieve their goals. 

I also share my inspiring story and insights as a public leadership speaker and author, 

Also I strongly advocate for the Hostage Community raising awareness and advocacy for the hostages community. 

You can hire me to your corporate stages to speak to your employees and in Corporate Events and inspire them to become stronger and more resilient.

I have my signature speech "form Captivity to freedom" that I share in all the stages possible to inspire an give message of hope , faith and to never give up under any circumstance and supporting this hostage community

If you want to now more and want my professional advise, just book a 30 minutes chat through my calendy
my website:
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my email :
my whatsapp : 832-534-0873

Business Leadership +1
Mindset Coaching Overcoming adversity +2