Joanfrances Boyle
The Scottish Seer Joanfrances Boyle she/her/hers
The Past Life Surrogate Reveal Expert, a unique experience!

Joanfrances lives to help others with her unique multi-sensory intuitive Past Life Surrogacy Reveal gift. In her talks, lectures, seminars, and astonishing demonstrations, she delivers to the audience the “why factor” of what is specifically holding them back from living an abundantly fulfilled present life.  Sounds negative, no, it is the complete opposite. As she conveys the tell-tail signs, the ENTIRE audience reminisces through their own present life, astonishingly pinpointing to themselves, the mimicking patterns set by their own past incarnate experiences. Whether they carry these foreboding patterns consciously or unconsciously, genetically or adopted, by bearing witness, it creates a Karmic awakening within the audience members, allowing them, if they so wish, to release their Misplaced or Negative Karmic debt. Hence, establishing a life of forgiveness, freedom, and abundance. Joanfrances loves to aid people get back on track, as this allows her to fulfil her own Life Purpose! 


This is an example talk for Joanfrances Boyle

Past Life Syndrome - Deception or Not!

I am delighted to serve you as a Speaker today! 

Warning! This talk will REVEAL the tell-tale signs of how you are living a life of DECEPTION. This is due to the PHANTOM and MIMICKING entanglements created in YOUR PAST LIFE!  Want to identify how these ENTANGLEMENTS create, attract, and often cause you to react DESTRUCTIVELY within relationships! These sabotaged, entangled relationships can be with people, animals, plants, jobs, and places, not forgetting genetic, traumatic or birth defects, which are impacting here and now, on your health, happiness, and successes? Plus, has your Past Life death itself created a syndrome, which is now controlling now YOUR PRESENT-DAY, personality, fears, phobias, failures, and lack of abundance are playing out? Would you like to know how to FIX IT? Come join my next talk!

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