Jim takes your audience on both a humorous and inspirational journey from explaining the severity of The Skills Gap, The Impact, and The Cause, to his unique, time-tested GET YOUR DUCKS IN A ROWE Solution.
75% of managers rate Critical Thinking & Communication as the top two most important skills they look for when hiring executives.
Yet 45-75% of managers rate recent grads hired poorly on these skills. Worse; 2/3 – 80% of recent grads hired rate themselves proficient! They don’t even know they’re not good at it.
After 45+ years in marketing, training scores of executives, Jim wrote Get Your Ducks In A Rowe, a 2-Book Series with simple approaches for managers to create a Culture of Communication that simply, effectively & inexpensively Fix The Skills Gap. He's asking executives to:
Join The Mentor Movement. Pick A Protégé. Make A Difference.
And frankly, to “GIVE A DUCK!”