Jenn Turnham
HSP-Extrovert Specialist, BWRT Master Coach, Registered Advanced BWRT Practitioner
Bachelor of Psychology (BPsych) BWRT Advanced Practitioner: Psychology of Identity & Behaviour (MIBWRT(Adv.)) Master Coach: BWRT Transformational Coaching

Helping Highly Sensitive Extroverts Shine Bright!!

Jenn is on a mission to educate the world about the unique, brilliant, often misunderstood, very tiny sub-section of the population known as Highly Sensitive Extrovert Women (HSP-Es).  She is also determined to unite all HSP-E Women out there and encourage them to see that they matter, they have a powerful voice that needs to be heard, and possess unique gifts that are in short supply in today’s world.

It’s time for HSP-E women everywhere to stop dimming their light, and shine their brilliant empathetic lights bright.

Jenn shares her passionate, quirky, eclectic personality through her blog, and in her Facebook Group for HSP-E women, Highly Sensitive Extroverts: Bright Sparks. 

With a strong background in applied psychology (B.Psych, MIBWRT (Adv.)), Jenn has been using her knowledge, training and experience in helping people use the power of their minds to overcome challenges since 2008.  She now focuses on helping HSP-E women thrive in a world that currently doesn’t quite understand them.  She does this through assisting them to own their uniqueness, and see their sensitivity as their superpower.


Talking Points:


  • How to identify an HSP-E Woman: The uniquely wonderful (and often contradictory) traits of HSP-E women.


  • Who are HSPs and why is their existence so important?


  • Thriving as an HSP-E woman in today’s world


  • The challenges of HSP-E women


  • Introvert, Extrovert or Ambivert: Which one are you?


  • Dealing with HSPs: The Ultimate Guide for dealing with your HSP employee, relative, friend, partner….


  • Any topics relevant to your audience - given HSPs make up 15-20% of the population, there is a very good chance that you have quite a few in your audience.


  • Overcoming adversity / living & thriving with a chronic illness


  • Chasing your dreams (and making them come true) - I gave up my successful career to become the lead singer in a rock band!


This is an example talk for Jenn Turnham

Beautiful Boundaries 5-Step Process
My 5-step simple process that teaches people how to set healthy boundaries to protect them from hurt, manipulation, narcissists and generally being taken advantage of.
Personal Development Personal Growth