Who is Jean
Jean is a Self Leadership and Practical Spirituality Coach
Jean Believes:
You can make BIG impacts being authentically and fully you! She shares how thought becomes things and guides you to thrive in your unique design. You benefit with the power to consciously create, making that impact right where you are, and see results that you enjoy.All this using research based verifiable tools
She works with businesses, entrepreneurs, managers, parents and students to manage and grow their self-leadership and enhance team collaboration.
What does Jean Do?
She helps individuals focus on the essence of what and why they want and sustain it with impactful strategies stemming from their psychological framework and manage their desires and beliefs conversations to achieve fabulous turnarounds and wins.
How does Jean do it:
Jean Speaks on: 1) 7 free ways why you will change your outcomes and 2) Personality based -DISC Lunch and Learns and presentations
Jean conducts workshops on: Personal and Team Growth, Leadership and Collaboration based on DISC personality profiles and world renowned Maxwell Leadership principles.
Jean Gives back to the community through Youth leadership programs empowering kids in the ages of 8-18.
These are example talks for Jean Crasta

A parent, grandparent, caregiver, childcare worker will learn how to work with kids of different personalities, speak to their strengths, identify their stress signals and motivate them with words that are a fit to their personality style

Learn how to place the right people in the right place for better vision, stability, performance and execution.

Learn how to lessen your struggles and heighten your returns and wins with this strategy.
If your audience is learning to manage change, transition and want fool proof tips to winning, this comical presentation can bring them relief and insights.