Hendrik Baird
Mr. Hendrik Baird he/him/his
Podcaster | Content Creator | Hypnotherapist | Activist
BA(Drama) Hons, Masters in Media and Journalism, CHt (SAIH)

Hendrik Baird has worked in the entertainment industry for the past 40 years. He has an honours degree in Drama (university of Pretoria, 1988) and a masters degree in Media and Journalism (University of the Witwatersrand, 2019). 

He is also a certified non-medical hypnotherapist (South African Institute of Hypnotism, 2010) and an LGBTQ+ activist.


Hendrik is available to speak on the following topics:


  • Become a Podmaster: Based on his upcoming book Become a Podmaster: Everything You Need to Know to Master the art of Podcasting (available on Amazon.com from January 2023).


  • Repurposing Content: Based on his book Purposefully Repurposed for Profit: How to Save Time When Creating a Content Marketing Campaign Simply by Repurposing a Podcast (available on Amazon.com).


  • Online R@dio in South Africa: Based on R@dio in South Africa: An Exploratory Study (co-authored by Franz Krüger). In Radio, Public Life and Citizen Participation in South Africa, co-authored by edited by Sarah Chiumbu and Gilbert Motsaathebe. (published by Routledge).


  • Hypnotherapy: Does It Work?: Based on his podcast Hypnosis Works!


  • How to Run a Successful Online Petition: Based on his successful campaign to have gay-hating US Pastor steven L. Anderson and his group banned from entering South Africa.


  • Empowering Rural LGBTQ+ Communities: Based on his book Same-Sex Sexuality in the North-West Province: Community Report on the Outcomes of a Research Project (published by the University of South Africa).