Heather Leigh is a galactic K9 channel, quantum healing specialist, award-winning author, mentor, speaker, and podcaster. Her mission is to assist humanity in healing deeply & completely, reconnecting to ourselves and our unity as a single unified race. She's passionate about assisting those who are ready to relinquish the illusion and embrace their true wisdom and power. She provides real answers through transformative discovery, healing, and awakening by utilizing the advanced healing technologies of the K9 spirit guides.
She is seeking stages, summits, and live in-person events/workshops focusing on spiritual growth, deep emotional healing, overcoming lifelong trauma, past life trauma, ancestral patterning, fully connecting with yourself and who you are, overcoming narcissistic relationships, surrendering the ego, and in general, finding your way out of the illusion and into the light.
For an example of how she works, check out her book, “K9 Spirit Guides: The Healing Power of Man's Best Friend” and her podcast on YouTube.