Harriet L Russell
Business Ease Overseas with Less Stress and More Mindfulness

For over 40 years, Harriet L. Russell has helped people work better together across cultures.   From  Wall Street in NYC , to translator for ABC News at the G 7 Tokyo Economic Summit, to jetting off to Minsk, Belarus hosted by the U.S. State Department, she knows the importance of cross-cultural competence.

Harriet lived overseas for many years.  Harriet was commended by the Fulbright Commission,  awarded  by Rotary International, and founded an English language library in Kyrgyzstan.

She's a presenter at the Global Speakers Summits, and Chapter Board member of the International Coach Federation.

Her latest book, Doing Business With Ease Overseas: Building Cross-Cultural Relationships That Last,  was selected to be in the U.S. Library of Congress.

Harriet’s presentations are highly engaging and interactive, with a depth that inspires  others to take action.  Her favorite phrase is Vasudhaiva Kutumbakam meaning “The World is One Family.”