Felicity Doyle
Felicity Doyle she/her/hers
Tap into your inner guidance to live a soul driven life
Spiritual Life Coach & Spiritual Counselor

Felicity is a Soul Alignment Coach. 

She is looking to speak at spiritual conferences but could also speak for women’s groups, businesses, and other organizations that are looking to tap into their inner guidance so they can align with their highest potential and create a life of abundance and authenticity.


Felicity can speak on a variety of topics from:

  • Learning to tap into / understand your inner GPS. How to use it to pave the road towards your most authentic, highest vibrational, & abundant life.
  • How to make choices aligned with your soul, so every choice is the right one; business and personal.
  • What it means to be an energetic being who has psychic abilities. How to develop / use each ability with ease.
  • How to connect with your higher guidance to receive messages easily from your guides, higher self, the Universe, and more.
  • How to be conscious of your energy relationship with others and mindful of your energetic exchanges.
  • The importance of being responsible for your energetic boundaries
  • How to be aware of your energetic health so  you live a life of vitality and avoid illness and disease.
  • How to easily draw your purpose to you without having to know what your purpose is.
  • How to effectively co-manifest with the Universe. Know what to do & when to do it.
  • 30 do's and don'ts of manifesting. And the simplest way to manifest your soul desires.


Felicity is extremely passionate about teaching and speaking and looks forward to working together with you.