Erien W Fryer is a dedicated professional with over 40 years of experience in supporting individuals through physical, emotional, and spiritual challenges. She is a Christian life, health, and wellness coach, speaker, author, Tai Chi Qi Gong teacher, and Living Water Life Coaching Solutions CEO. Erien is passionate about helping women over 45 who have experienced trauma and aims to empower them to live triumphantly whole and leave a legacy they love. Her clients describe her as encouraging, loving, kind, helpful, and wise. When not working, Erien enjoys playing musical instruments, reading, working out, and spending time with her family. She has been happily married for 29 years and has one son.
Erien seeks speaking opportunities on non-cruise related events, podcasts, and summits.
This is an example talk for Erien Fryer

Erien empowers women aged 45 and older who face life-shattering events to triumphantly live W.H.O.L.E. in spirit, mind, and body, enabling them to live on their terms and create a legacy they love.
The essence of her presentations is to give hope and transformational tools, processes, and systems to break the patterns of stumbling over the past and move forward to a future of their dreams as confident, courageous, and competent women who are in divine alignment—spirit, mind, and body.
A revolutionary integrated approach results in a holistic, systematic approach applicable to a client's life from a Christian perspective.
Having experienced childhood trauma from 2 years old to 11 years old, supported individuals through physical, emotional, and spiritual challenges, and studied extensively in the areas of physical health, mental health, and spiritual health, Erien is uniquely equipped to address her subject matter from many aspects. With a multifaceted perspective and message, Erien would be delighted to serve as a summit speaker, podcast voice, and non-cruise-related events.