Ed has been in Coaching ever since the 1990s. Bringing it up to date, in 2023 Ed further qualified as an Exponential Coach, with Rich Litvin. Attributes for Rich Litvin include: founder of the ‘4 percent Club’ for the best Coaches in the world; and world-renowned Coach to Special Forces leaders, NASA scientists, presidential candidates and the alike.
Ed is a serial entrepreneur passionate about helping people and has dedicated his life to doing so. Over the past four-plus decades, he has founded and run many Social Enterprises. In addition, he has spent decades working in the nonprofit sector in addition to commercial businesses. He highly values honesty and integrity and is committed to continual learning and passing on his knowledge to others.
Ed believes in exceptional results and puts everything into achieving those. He is highly creative, and many of his Coaching techniques have been decades in development. Few people, if anyone else, has the methods Ed has developed. That is one of the reasons he is so sought after.
This is an example talk for Ed Finch