Devin Bisanz he/him/his
I help leaders develop the ‘it’ factor when speaking.

Devin Bisanz: Over a decade shaping international speech champions, guiding TEDx luminaries, and even fine-tuning the CEO of a hundred-million-dollar titan. Devin prides himself on the thousands of hours he’s watched speakers with the sound off, learning every detail of non-verbal communication.

Devin is a member of the Canadian Association of Professional Speakers, a Distinguished Toastmaster, and a motivational speaker known for high-energy and engaging presentations. 




This is an example talk for Devin Bisanz

Tune In & Turn On Your 'It' Factor

Everybody is captivated by a speaker with an irresistible presence - the 'it' factor. It's the #1 request for solutions Devin receives from business owners wanting to up-level their speaking presence. 

Guess what? You too, can have ‘it’! You can tune in and turn on your unique stage presence whether you’re presenting to 10 people or 10,000 people!

Get inspired by:

  • What your body language says about you on stage
  • Hook phrases that keep people on the edge of their seat
  • Hypnotic Storytelling Secrets

What you’ll discover is the shift from ‘I’ve never experienced formal speaker training’ to ‘I am ready to command that stage!!’


Business Education +1
Communication Training Developing your identity +4


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