David Wright
Mr. David Wright
Purpose | Wellness & Sustainability | Futurist | Visionary
B.Com; Systemic Wellness Practitioner & Business Coach

David is a Human & Earth Purpose and Sustainability Practitioner, Wellness Leader and Visionary. He is the Founding Member of INSIGHTS INC which is an Individual & Organizational Development business start-up in the self-improvement industry. The company’s vision is to create the International Association of Professional Business Coaches (IAPBC). The IAPBC serves to improve positive social change and overall (mental) health and wellbeing through consciously connected individuals within and between their organizations. I am looking for online or in-person speaking opportunities to talk about (1) My lived experience regarding no sense of self, substance abuse and poor mental health, and the key learnings and lessons on my journey to selfhood and purpose thus far (i.e. Carl Jung's process of individuation); (2) Futures Thinking using a futures tool called Causal Layered Analysis in re-defining and re-creating ourselves and the communities, cultures, countries, continents and world we live in.