David Matthews
David Matthews
CEO/ Founder
Cornell University Graduate Industrial Labor Relations, 30 years working on diversity initiatives, charismatic leader

We’ve developed a revolutionary eCoaching and blended Coaching platform (myCoach). It has been implemented by some large organizations, like IKEA and the European Central Bank. ECoaching has become even more important in a context of constant change, and the necessity of increasing resilience, motivation, employability and productivity of the employees, and of decreasing absenteeism and presentism.

It is the answer to the explosion of mental health issues in the workplace. But it could also fulfill a crucial role in permanent learning like soft skills, during the entire career. Furthermore, it has a proven impact on the retention of the increasingly scarcer (competent) human resources. 

MyCoach is a fully automated platform, which - in function of a short initial assessment – creates a personalized coaching path of 3 months, which the user can fine-tune. For this, a library of over 100 different sessions (learning pills of 30 minutes) is used. The online sessions can be complemented by video calls with a coach/therapist. The accent could be: professional development (talents, competencies, leadership,…), personal development, living healthier, or dealing with a mental health issue (exhaustion, burnout, depression, anxiety,…). 

This goes beyond the transfer of knowledge: thanks to a broad selection of techniques, the behavior of the employee is influenced. With the help of editors/templates, the assessment (items, algorithms,…), the mapping of the user-data with the personalized paths (algorithms, AI), and the creation of new sessions/modules, can be done without the need for (computer) coding. 

Users are followed-up continuously and are re-tested every 3 months. These results are scientifically analyzed. Based on the assessment of over 200.000 people, 6.000 online and 2.000 video call sessions it could be concluded that - in just 6 months of eCoaching - the percentage of employees feeling “engaged” tripled from 19% to 57%. The percentage of those in a state of exhaustion – with psycho-somatic symptoms – was practically reduced by half, from 62% to 33%. And the ones diagnosed with burnout and/or depression/anxiety went from 19% to 10%. 

Thanks to technology, coaching is now – practically and economically – accessible to ALL employees. To our knowledge, this solution is really unique, and we consider ourselves pioneers, globally. We’ve started scientific research with the Antwerp Management School and ESADE. I’d be more than happy to set up a video call in the coming days, for us to exchange more information and look into the opportunity of working together.