Services-Soul Plan Chart, Akashic Reads, Dark night of the soul, Ascension symptoms, Oracle Readings, Light Language Activations
Free Offer- 5 Minute Card Reading
Show Fees- $30 - 30 min reading ($1 Min)
Door Prize- 1-hour Psychic Reading Connection to Your Akashic Records And Spirit Guides Valued At $144
Rev Jen Post- The Awakener-Cosmic Goddess Bluestar And Channel For The Highlight Of Alkali (Ala-Kali), Akashic Record Reader and Channeler of the Archangels, Ascended Masters, And Star Light Beings. She is a renowned channel with abilities that include being a Reiki Master Teacher Healer, Star Seed Galactic Teacher and Spiritual Counselor, Angelic Healer, Oracle of the Akashic Records, Tarot and your Souls Plan Blueprint. She is a channel for Angelic, Ascended Masters, Spirit Guides, and the light language; The Highlight of Alkali.
In her practice, she integrates all her abilities and studies that awaken, empower, heal and balance your life, as you journey back to ONENESS.
From: Port Jefferson, NY
Phone : 631-553-3836
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