- Name
- Cindy Etsell
- Tagline
- Career Architect, author, speaker and faciliator
- Credentials
- BA, Member ICF, Competent Toastmaster, Member WiTT (women in telecoms and technology) Coached over 2000 individuals across all industries from entry level to Boards Speaking engagements include: Commonwealth Games, Avon, Smart Works, Cisco, Dinner speaker. International House London, British Computing Society, Retail Week, Planet Retail event etc Facilitation: Body Language (over 500 hours), Negotiating Job Offers for Women (100+ hours), Building a Networking Strategy (100+ hours) Personal Branding - 'The Time for Me Inc is Now' and Start Your Own Business, (Sales and Marketing, business planning and the difference between Consulting, contracting and freelance - 200+ hours) CV workshops - demonstrating your value to stand out from the crowd
My Approach
Having enjoyed a rewarding and varied career in both SMEs and large FTSE 500 companies, I have developed a practical recipe for helping others tap into their unique talents so they too can enjoy a fulfilling vocation whilst bringing significant impact to their team. Changing roles, moving cities and countries has given me insight into what it takes to change careers, get that desired promotion or start your own business.
I achieve this through my work as a career transition expert and motivational leadership coach, writing, and the many opportunities I’m given to speak internationally. I work within small businesses and global corporations; wherever individuals need a boost. I offer practical hands-on advice based on my own experience designed to take you to your desired goal. My quest is to rouse people to value their skills so they can maximise their effect. Why? Because if you’re a manager seeking to make the most of the talent in your team, you need each person to understand how to get the best out of themselves too. When your staff know what drives them, and why, you have the makings of a Michelin starred meal.
My Track Record
I delivered programme management for technical projects, developed business strategies for blue chips, start-ups and created recruitment and career development plans to enhance company performance.
I’ve given keynote speeches at conferences, industry meetings, and entrepreneur-driven gatherings. My speaking engagements have included the Commonwealth Games (Canada), WiTT (Women in IT and Telecoms), Smart Works, and Cisco.
I am also author of the highly reviewed book, Cooking up Success, which offers insight into my unique methodology for transition. Through a series of exercises and tips, the book helps individuals work through the recruitment maze and master career change.
I seek to inspire individuals to cook up success through:
• Helping them discover their unique skills
• Guiding them to understand their motivations
• Envisioning how talents can be maximised for the benefit of the team
• Fostering self-belief and a passion for fulfilment
• Promoting the power of effective communication within oneself, and beyond