Cindy Baker
Cindy Baker
I help entrepreneurs manage their time, energy, and focus

Cindy Baker is a powerhouse of energy and positivity! She electrifies the room, transforming procrastination into productivity and

distractions into dollars. Her warmth, humor, and dynamic insights on focus and leveraging ADHD for entrepreneurial success make her

 a must-have speaker for any stage looking to inspire massive action and unstoppable momentum! Cindy is the founder of CBC - Cindy

 Baker Coaching, a coaching and education company for entrepreneurs. With a master's in counseling and over 19 years as an

 educator, Cindy's mission is to share the success secrets she has discovered in her own journey as an entrepreneur with ADHD to

 inspire other creative professionals to leverage their brain's superpowers to become positive, prepared, and productive. Her

productivity training has helped countless entrepreneurs grow their businesses by overcoming overwhelm, gaining clarity and focus,

 and managing their time.