I am an independent researcher based in Turkey. I got my PhD degree (Political Science and International Rel.) in 2015. I have authored a book (in English), a book chapter (in Turkish) and several fully fledged academic articles. During my occupation as a teaching assistant, I engaged in short-term academic activities in Italy, the United Kingdom, Bosnia, and Spain.
The subject areas I am most passionate about teaching, researching, and writing are democracy, free speech, political culture, critical discourse analysis, Turkey’s domestic politics and human rights violations in Turkey along with cyberspace debates, and media and politics relationships. I am happy to deliver talks about these issues and academic writing and research tips as a speaker.
I worked as a freelance researcher for several international projects including serving as a country expert for Sweden-based V-Dem Institute. I currently serve as an editorial board member in international journals including Journal of Applied Learning and Teaching that is published by Kaplan Singapore. I am also a scientific board member of Social Sciences Advancement Dialogue Network.
This is an example talk for Begum Burak
Writing is at the very heart of academic life. This free event provides useful guidance and helpful tips certain to set you on course to a clear expression of the plain sense of things, not only at university but in the outside world as well.