Anja Riemer-Grobe
Anja Riemer-Grobe
CEO Management Made Easy, Customer Experience Specialist
CEO Management Made Easy Founder of Delegation Nation, the community for visionary online entrepreneurs Advisory Board Member Association of Virtual Assistants openSAP Thought Leader's Badge for Customer Experience (2021 Edition) Certified Executive Travel Planner Certified Psychological Advisor (Marriage and Relationships)
Anja is the founder and CEO of Management Made Easy, an Online Business Management Service that supports visionary online entrepreneurs and their teams in getting control of the day-to-day chaos and frustration in the business by leveraging virtual tools, remote team work, and online operations, so that everyone can live and work in their zone of genius.

With her unique approach of combining well-organized structures and processes in the backend and strong trust-building experiences on the frontend she inspires online businesses to create a consistent client-focused service experience.

With Delegation Nation she also created a community for busy small business owners who want to grow beyond being a one-man show and build a team of changemakers from all over the world where everyone can serve with their unique background and culture.

Anja is on a mission to end suffering in work relationships through genuine human interactions and building systems that are working FOR the people instead of people working the systems.