4 Mentors 4 Success
4 Mentors For Your Success

We are a “fantastic four” from diverse backgrounds. 

As this group’s sage Robert Butwin left his family business upbringing and hasn’t worked a ”job” since 1990. His expertise is helping entrepreneurs elevate and accelerate success to get "unstuck," and increase a life of ease and joy through numerous resources and by mentoring them on creating multiple income streams with proven wealth strategies. Robert, The Wizard of Networking, is a master connector and authored the best-selling book Street Smart Networking.  

Gabriella Waterman loved being in business selling alongside her parents at the tender age of 6. She launched a successful business in 2016 and sold it in 2020.  She learned growing it through word-of-mouth and referrals was far more effective than advertising when guided by principles of excellence and integrity. She now helps entrepreneurs improve their online visibility and credibility. In her “GabTalks” podcast, she continues to guide businesses in a cluttered and noisy online world.

Sue Wilhite rocketed to the top of her IT career in six years and slammed headfirst into a healing crisis that changed her life and focus. She has become an International #1 best-selling author, award-winning podcast host, Law of Attraction coach, and Certified Biofield Tuning™ Practitioner. Her “inside-out” business experience anchors her strengths today as the “Be the Vibration” Coach, helping her clients get unstuck and encouraging them to fulfill their own destinies.

Copywriter to the stars, Tony Stark-Policci, got his marketing career start in 1994 as co-creator

of Piranha Marketing, Inc. He’s CEO of Absolutely Brilliant Concepts and founder of The Copy

Avengers. His work has generated $500MM+ for leading companies, thought leaders, and

entrepreneurs. His work is featured in USA Today, The Wall Street Journal, Entrepreneur

Magazine, and his bestselling book on copywriting was voted #9 of the top 100 best copywriting

books ever written.