Epic Experts Giveaway
Epic Experts Giveaway
Created 1 year 7 months ago
Organizer JV Insider Circle
Epic Experts Giveaway
Timezone: Pacific Time (US and Canada)

Giveaway date(s): -

Registration ends: Tue, Dec 20, 2022 12:00 AM (1 year 6 months ago)


You are invited to be a contributor in JV Insider Circles' upcoming Gift Giveaway. Expand your audience, and grow your list.


Gifts are listed in Categories:

Authors & Speakers, Business, Health, Relationships, Personal Development, Spiritual and Wealth

Requirements to Participate as a Contributor: 
To participate in this giveaway, your investment is only $197 

For more information and to register as a contributor visit http://jvinsidercircle.com/giveaway

3 Secrets to Look and Feel Great
Amy Janece Image Consultant and Stylist

Looking and feeling great can have a direct impact on how you show up in the world, how easy (or difficult) it is for others to connect with you, as well as your sales and numbers in business. When you look and feel like a million bucks, you can sell a million bucks.

Launch Your Podcast In 30 Days - Checklist & Video
Erik K. Johnson Podcast Talent Coach

Ready to launch your podcast? You get …

  • FREE Checklist to launch your podcast. Get started creating your podcast today.
  • A detailed video to walk you through the process and ensure you understand each step as you launch.
  • Clear, step-by-step instructions. Everything you need to go from idea to published to launch in 4 WEEKS.

Gift Value $197

5 Offstage Keys to Onstage Radiance
Diann Alexander Confidence Catalyst

Excellence is in the details.  This helpful PDF guides you to clarity in 5 essential areas all presenters need BEFORE getting onstage so they can SHINE onstage & authentically connect with their appreciative audiences.

The Art & Science of Storytelling with Workbook
Al Jensen Entrepreneur & Speaker Talent Developer

Why does one company lead the market while others lag behind? The difference is clear. It’s in their stories. Seth Godin says it best: "It's no longer about the stuff you make, but about the stories you tell."

Storytelling is generally used as a device of persuasion, influence, inspiration, and engagement. It can improve customer loyalty, create a strong marketing strategy, increase profitability, and more. 

Includes instruction on story elements and the science of story.

Correct Coupon Code:  epicexpertdec2022

Just Finish Your Damn Book
Lisa J MacDonald Step It Up Enterprises

The need for you to have a book position in the crowded business market is becoming greater. A book is one of the quickest ways to establish your expertise. 

But 97% of people who start writing their books never finish. They aren't setting themselves up for success. 

*Discover the 7 Biggest Myths Keeping You from Writing 

*Uncover the 7 Truths to Get You Writing Today

* Learn How to Feel Calm and Confident Writing Your Book 

Writer's Tool Kit
Victoria Andersen Writing Success Coach-Podcaster/Author & Course Creator

The Writer's Tool Kit Free Offer Includes: 2 Online Mini Courses to take your first steps on writing a book, understanding your writing obstacles with exercises to overcome them, plus as an added BONUS a 25 Essential Writing Tips Checklist so you can “Leap Into Your Story!

The Writer's Blueprint
Laura Baxter Weithaus CEO, Castle Mount Media

Have you ever thought about writing a book but don't know where to start? The Writer's Blueprint is for you! This online course will show you the steps involved in writing and publishing a book, including how to choose your title! In addition, you will get the free BONUS, a calendar to help you plan your book writing and publishing process. Sign up here and get started on your book-writing adventure!

Podcast Readiness Assessment
Sam Liebowitz Executive Producer

The quick assessment you are about to experience is designed to help you discover where you are on track toward your goals and get crystal clear around what missing pieces are holding you back from experiencing the results you desire. This knowledge is absolutely key if you are looking to create a breakthrough in your business by creating, launching, or up-leveling your podcast.

7 Quick Tips for Crafting an Inspiring Story that Sells
Dr. Michele Gunderson Breakthrough Story Expert

Stories are everywhere. Great companies are masterful storytellers.

In this powerful checklist, you'll discover the key story principles that will help you:

  • Tell The RIGHT Story. Throw away the generic marketing campaigns that speak to no one, and instead tell stories that your audience will actually connect with.
  • NAIL Your Delivery. Stop getting caught up in the wrong places and instead inspire your audience with a powerful presentation.
  • Speak To A Larger PURPOSE. No more calls to action that go nowhere. Discover how to embolden your audience to take action.
  • KNOW Your Audience. How to identify what your audience actually cares about so they can clearly see themselves in the stories you tell.
  • And more!

Use this checklist to make sure that the story you’re telling is compelling, truly serving you and skyrocketing your way to success.

Rock Your Business Success in 2023!
Cindy J Holbrook Cindy J, The Visibility Wiz
  • Explore 2022 to discover what went right, and what lessons you learned as you celebrate 2022 and step into 2023.
  • Know what metrics you should be watching, so you'll be clear on what is working so that you can meet or surpass all of your goals. 
  • Identify steps to take during the first 90 days of 2023, to set yourself up for success and for a record-breaking year!
  • Bonus: LIVE Q&A Call
The Essential LinkedIn Profile Checklist
Dumont Owen, Ph.D. Master Personal/Digital Brand Strategist

If you're a coach, consultant, or personal/professional service provider, you must be on LinkedIn. 

Eighty percent of leads that come from social media, come from LinkedIn, and its members are more affluent than those on other platforms. This means LinkedIn users can both appreciate your premium programs and afford them.

Whatever strategy you use to generate highly qualified leads, it all starts with your LinkedIn profile. The Essential LinkedIn Profile Checklist is your step-by-step guide to creating an irresistible profile for your Ideal clients. 

Stand Out & Captivate
Gerry Foster President

1-Hour Video Mini-Course for Service-based Entrepreneurs shows you how to:

o Create a highly distinctive brand that GETS BUYERS

o Be the EXCEPTION, not the rule in your industry

o Attract HIGH-VALUE clients who see you as the #1 option to satisfy them shoulders-above anyone else

Give yourself an EDGE in 2023 with a maximum strength personal or service brand to set you up for scalable growth.  You also get $1,000 worth of free bonuses 

7 Steps to a High Performing Team
Elizabeth Onyeabor CEO and Founder

Are you a leader who holds yourself to a higher standard than most people? Are you ready to build a high performing team? These 7 steps will help you recognize the blind spots holding your team back so you can be more agile, deliver unstoppable results, and create greater impact.

Jill Lublin's Publicity Breakthrough Bootcamp - Jan. 17 - 19, 2023
Jill Lublin 4x Best-Selling Author, International Speaker, Master Publicity Strategist

How Would You Like An Insider Access To Our Closed-Door Bootcamp… Where You Can 'Copy & Paste' Our Proven PR Strategies To Attract More Visibility To Your Business, Become A Celebrity In Your Niche, And Have A Long Waitlist of Dream Clients…


…Even in The Most Competitive Industries?


Give me 2-4 hours daily for 3 short days and I’ll show you the exact action steps to dominate your industry and fill your pipeline with loads of dream clients… without hiring a PR agency or spending more money on advertisements.


Enter the promo code epicexperts (case sensitive, all lower case).  A card will still be required but you will not be charged. 




The Ultimate Slide Deck for Coaches, Consultants, Experts, and Authors.
Gary Lafferty

Create your next Webinar, Presentation, or Masterclass in a fraction of the time using this Fully Editable 70-Slide Webinar, Presentation, or Masterclass Slide Deck Template for Canva.

This is the Ultimate Presentation Slide Deck for Coaches, Consultants, Experts, and Authors who want to have a successful and high-converting presentation.

All you have to do is change out the copy and the images to your own brand and you're all set to go!

Hacks and Resources for a Lucrative Home Office
Emma Auriemma-McKay Architect and Interior Designer

Ideas to create an inspiring home office environment and what key components to get and where to get them.  In this kind of workspace, you will be confident, proud, and productive which will bring you more income.

Online Credibility & Authority Webinar
Linda Kaye & Richard Osborne Marketing & Creative Services

Who is this gift for? Health and Wellness Practitioners Who Want to Leverage the Internet to Get More Customers.


*Your gift includes an objective assessment showing your custom online visibility report — and a one-hour webinar that will help you understand your results.

Questions to really think about: 

  • When your prospects’ problem is your specialty and they are ready to take action, are they finding you — or your competitors?
  • How would business improve if prospects were able to quickly and easily identify you as their solution — and come to you?

We'll show you the 6 key areas for getting found online, and how they should fit into your online marketing strategy.

Natural At Networking
Lorraine Ellen Scott Founder & Owner

Networking is foundational in growing your business. Discover how to comfortably connect with others so you feel less awkward and more natural when collaborating with colleagues. 

Discover Your Renegade Brand Archetype (Quiz)
Ann Bennett Discover Your Renegade Brand Archetype

The Problem for most entrepreneurs is they don't know exactly how to STAND OUT, speak with confidence & sell with authority

With your Renegade Brand Archetype, You will finally know exactly what attracts your ideal clients, how to capture their attention and convert them to raving fans. So every time you show up as YOU, and open your mouth, you make a lot more money. 

Be big, be bold, be unapologetically YOU, and grow your business.


Ultimate Guide to Starting a Business
Siobhan Cunningham Founder of Empower Women Veterans

Ultimate Guide to Starting a Business

for Women Veterans


What's inside your gift?

  • Discover Your #1 Dream Killer
  • Unpack any Startup fears
  • Learn how to COPE with a coach
  • Understand what makes YOU different
  • Assess your financial readiness
  • Seamlessly shift into a CEO mindset to take more control of your business

And a few surprises…


Get a clear and simple business action plan to know where to get started today!
No matter what type of business you are starting.



Present Like A Pro On Zoom
Robert Arnot Co-owner - AffinityCam, LLC

This free Quick Guide is full of tips covering topics such as: 

  • Creating engaging content
  • Feeling confident and looking great on camera
  • Getting the tech dialed in
  • Delivering your message to maximize your impact

Also, many of the tips can be applied to take ALL your Zoom calls to the next level.

How To Get Zoom Ready in 5 Minutes for Men and Women!
Purvi Shah

Virtual meetings are the norm now and they’re likely to stick around and remain remote.

The good news is you don’t have to spend a ton of time to look put together on camera.

Sign up and receive a Free PDF guide with everything you need to look professional and polished on Zoom!

Roadmap to Relationship Success for Entrepreneurs, Singles and Couples
Dr. Wendy Lyon Master Relationship Coach & Psychologist
  • Uncover harmful beliefs that sabotage your happiness and your relationships.
  • Discover how to change destructive patterns that stop you from love and success.
  • Get Dr. Wendy's 7 proven steps to transform your limiting beliefs and create success in your life and relationships.

Whether you're single or coupled, don't leave your love life to chance!

Since 1999, Dr. Wendy has helped thousands to transform their lives and find lasting love.

Get your roadmap to relationship success!

‘3 communication must dos’
Mike Garska President & Communications Trainer

Learn 3 things you must do if you want peace of mind around the dinner table this holiday season. Avoid the dysfunction and chaos that comes with family gatherings. 

3 Simple Secrets to Helping Your Struggling Child Enjoy Learning Success
Florence Callender Learning Accelerator

Are you a stressed-out, anxious parent who’s tried everything you know but nothing has worked, and you don’t know where to turn to get help for your failing child? Are you scared they will be left behind, not only in school but also in life? Do not despair! If you’re tired of suffering in silence, this special report is the foundation you need to prepare you to propel them to learning success.

Things They Don’t Tell You About Menopause
Dionne Roberts - The Sleep Whisperer Menopause Coach

Discover what doctors don’t tell you and what many friends won’t discuss in a 3-part video series. This mini-course teaches what to look out for; in the body, mind, and soul of a menopausal woman. Menopause isn’t just a physical transformation. I invite you to watch this video series and to receive the bonus audio gift, which will help you, as menopausal women, to fall asleep and revitalize you when used during the day. 

5 Secrets to Plant-based Eating
Lou-Anne Hooper Vegan/Plant-based Eating Guide

A free e-booklet to help vegan/plant-based wannabes get a better idea of how to more easily transition to a vegan/plant-based eating routine.

5 Steps to Turn Frustration into Focused Action
Julie Quinne The Uncommon Leadership Strategist

This powerful exercise helps you get PRODUCTIVE! 

  • Reduce frustration, stress, brain fog, and that feeling of STUCK
  • Get back to clear and focused action
  • Overcome interruptions, unclear priorities and distractions
  • Envision what you TRULY want
  • Commit to energizing action

In Five Easy Steps. 

Burnout Relief Strategies
Janice Steinbach The Helper's Guide
  • Burnout means the brain has been continually overstimulated
  • Learn to spend more time in rest and recovery mode
  • Get on the road to recovery
The 3 Biggest Blocks to Your Success ~ ebook
Brigette Sobus The Power, Joy & Profits Mentor

Your success coincides with the success of your clients. Referrals are powerful!  Sometimes, no matter how skilled you are at what you do, results don’t happen for your client.  Or for you. Brigette shows you the 3 Most Common Unseen Blocks to Success, the signs to look for, and the tools needed to break through and achieve the results you both want. 

CHART Your Course To Success - From Goal Setting To Goal Achievement in 2023 and beyond
Captain Hartmut Eggert Transformational Business Coach

Get free access to the tools to develop the right mindset and skillset. With those in place, AI (Action Implementation) virtually becomes a habit!

Find out:

  • -How to set goals properly
  • -How to get more done in less time

Download your printable journal and planner, so that you can stay focused and track your progress.

Download the App to add more functionality, access guided meditations and much more

How Resilience Can Be the Best Gift to Yourself this Holiday Season
Jan Zacharjasz Professional Certified Coach/Principal

The holiday season is here with all the excitement and anticipation. While the holidays are a cheerful and festive time of year, they can also be overwhelming, especially if you have a full work and social calendar and a long “to do” list to make the holidays perfect. 

Experience a stress-free holiday by building up your resilience with these 5 strategies!  Use our free checklist for a new twist on how relaxing the holidays can be.

Burn Your To~Do List
Kathi Burns, CPO Professional Organizer

Burn your to-do list and end your overwhelm!

It's normal to feel stressed and overloaded, because, on the average, only 41% of to-do list tasks ever get completed.

If you think about it, entering a task onto one’s to-do list is sometimes a way of saying,'I’ll do this later.

The to-do list is not the end-all be-all solution to getting things done quickly and efficiently.

Download this special report to uncover healthier organizing habits.

Guide to Strategic Planning
Judy Whalen Founder & CEO

Growing your business requires clarity, focus, and action. Strategic planning helps you develop the clarity you need to prioritize your strategic initiatives, stay focused on your priorities, and take action. The guide offers short, practical articles on topics such as Reasons Smart Companies Use Strategic Planning, Street-wise Tips to Make Strategic Planning Work for Your Business, Using Strategic Thinking to Build a Sustainable Business, Creating Your Game Plan, and more.

Bouncing Back without Breaking:
Almena Lowe Mozon, Ph.D. Clinical Psychologist/Empowerment Coach

Special Report to help entrepreneurs strengthen resilience and bounce back from challenging times.

Setting Foot on the Path Ahead
Vicki Dobbs Author, Artist, Teacher, and Guide

This is an interactive, experiential course with recorded meditations and a journal to track the journey as you Dream the Destination, See the Path Ahead, Pack Only What is Needed, and Create a Map to Your Destination.

Assess Your Leadership Skills
Ramesh Dewangan Leadership Coach | Founder and CEO

Do you consider yourself a leader? 

Do you want to maximize your organizational impact?

Then it would help if you were an Authentic Leader.

Authentic leadership emphasizes transparency, genuineness, and honesty. Authentic leaders build authentic relationships and inspire trust and motivation in their employees.

In this Self-Assessment, you will learn 4 dimensions of authentic leadership and how you rate in each of the dimensions.

Use this information to take your impact on the organization to the next level.

5 Ways to Self Love
Maria Mantoudakis CEO, ReCreate Success Now

Discover the perfection of you by taking an inventory of your skills and talents and realizing you have all the tools you need to achieve a life full of joy and purpose

How to Serve More People AND Get Paid For It!
Jay Fairbrother The Profit Architect

Unsure how to scale your business beyond one-on-one coaching? Tired of the feast and famine cycle of selling courses? Want to learn the easiest ways to create recurring and consistent revenue? In this PDF and video training, learn the two strategies that every successful solopreneur uses to leverage their time and scale their business to six and seven figures. And anyone can do it!

Hidden Income Streams
Eric Asbeck Founder

You Will Discover:

1, 2 mindset hacks that create the money freedom to do what you want, when you want

2. Secrets used to create a multi-million dollar business

3. The hidden income stream many entrepreneurs overlook

Ebook, Intuition Magic Use Your for More Clients, Sales, Cash Flow
Dr Ida Greene, PhD Magic of Intuition in Business and life


Discover How Your Money Personality Impacts Outcomes, Results and Team
Lora Newman Leadership / Mental Fitness Coach

Create More Freedom By Discovering Your Money Super Power

Get your free assessment to discover your unique Money Personality and the accompanying “Cheat Sheet” that will help you:

  • Decode your results.
  • Reveal the blind spots that are likely costing you.
  • Understand the impact on your team.
  • Create freedom, ease and peace in life and business.



8 Questions to explore when planning your retirement
Suzanne Muller Coach Suzanne

Creating a new kind of life isn't done overnight, and it isn't easy. It requires a good deal of planning and building on values, skills, and know-how. My free guide, 8 Questions to Explore When Planning Your Retirement, can help you start the process.

Millionaire Legacy Book and Mindset Assessment
Tom Curran Business Coach, Author, Radio Host
  • Millionaire Legacy is the Perfect Book for Coaches to Learn Strategies from Highly Respected Leaders and Coaches that can be implemented into your life and business. 
  • You will learn inside strategies from Brendon Burchard, Russell Brunson, Bob Proctor, Mark Victor Hansen, Mike Filsaime and other leaders. 
  • You will also receive the Mindset Assessment that will allow you to get focused on the same Mindset needed for Success in your Coaching Business.
Get Your Edge ebook
Laura Jackson Loo CEO and Founder

“Get Your Edge” ebook perfectly positions today’s executive leader on the path to becoming tomorrow’s evolutionary leader.  Use these 6 keys as a guide in your business to create an evolutionary organization and discover how you can unleash your hidden goldmine of in-house talent to grow your purpose, profit, and vision!

Three Magical Doors to Your Past, Present and Future
Thomas Metrick Thomas Metrick | Coach

Learn ...

  • why it is never to late to have had a good childhood
  • the language of your unconscious mind and how to find the five sources
  • to read and rewrite the future


Even if you are a …

  • newbie as you learn by experiencing it
  • sceptic as seeing is believing
  • seasoned master as the difference makes the difference


This might be the most consequential training ever.

Here is the universe talking: Take. Action. Now.

15-Point Formula: How to Significantly Increase Profits in Your Small Business
Chris Mahan President


THE 15-POINT FORMULA allows you to see the possibilities that exist around you to make more money for your business without having to spend exorbitant amounts of money to produce spectacular results.

In its pages you'll learn:

  • Risk Reversal Strategies
  • 7 Fundamentals to Create Great Marketing
  • Simple Steps to Get More Appointments with Prospects
  • And More...
Discover Your Unique Message
Christina Solstad Intuitive Business Coach

Do you struggle to find the right message to describe your deep transformational work that feels like you and is not salesy or too woo-woo?

By the end of this powerful video training, you’ll know how to draw your people to you, by bringing the right energy and the right words to your message.

You’ll share what you do in a way that’s aligned and completely *you* and irresistible to your ideal clients.

The Power of Your Why Workbook
Denise Toffey Financial Acceleration Strategist

Receive this workbook and you'll discover: 
      * Fabulous questions to dig deeper into your WHY and see if the work you’re doing is truly aligned with your soul’s desire. 
      * The sacred key to having well-matched clients excitedly flock to you as the answer they've been waiting for.
       * Your source to contribute Great Social Impact with your business & generate your version of Financial Abundance at the same time!

Divine Client Jumpstart
Eva Gregory Business Success Mentor

Discover the spiritual way to attract high-end coaching clients…especially if you resist sales and marketing! Start clearing the pathway to your Divine High-End Clients so that you have those interested in what you offer investing in what you offer!

3 Small Stress Busters Make The Biggest Difference
Julie-ann Pina Cancer coach for Business Owners

Small but mighty steps you can take right away
from a cancer coach to business owners

  • The key steps that bring everything together
  • Learned from managing a business during cancer treatment
  • Don’t overlook their power to break through your challenges!
Start Your Tiny-Biz checklist
Randy Johnson Founder Palmetto Performance Institute

Each month 4 million people join the Great Resignation because they long for something more than a job. They want to be in control of their destiny, create a life where the live how they want, where they want, and work when they want. The Tiny-Business Check List gives them the confidence to start, answers to questions every new business owner asks, and accesses a community that supports each other so everyone reaches their dream.