Grand Giveaway Winter 2024
Grand Giveaway Winter 2024
Created 1 year 1 month ago
Organizer Susan Jarema
Grand Giveaway Winter 2024
Timezone: Pacific Time (US and Canada)

Giveaway date(s): -

Registration ends: Mon, Feb 5, 2024 11:59 PM (8 months 2 days ago)


Its time for the Grand Giveaway Winter 2024!

This is one of our grandest collaborative marketing events of the year. This is a great opportunity for you to gain visibility, build your email list, find new clients and meet grand connection collaboration partners.

Who can apply: Open to all members of the Grand Connection. Due to the high cost of running this event and marketing costs, new members must commit to 4 months membership to participate

Soft launch: Dec 11, 2023 
Deadline for gifts: Dec 22, 2023
Ends Jan 31, 2024

Not yet a member? Membership is only $39.99 a month. Learn more.


All participants MUST send at least 2 dedicated emails to their list and share posts on social media. COLLABORATIVE MARKETING IS A REQUIREMENT.

New to Giveaways?

Our giveaway is an online free gift offer contributed by a group of members of our community. Giveaways are a great way to build you your lists and get visibility. Plus… it’s a lovely way to get some exposure and take part in Grand Giving. This is collaborative visibility and list building in its finest! Everyone participating each contributes an enticing gift with a hot topic related to their service, that has a value to it. The Grand Connection sets up a landing page of all the experts. We all invite our tribes to sign up for thousands of dollars in free gifts. They register, and can scroll through a giveaway page with all the gifts. On this page your gift banner and description with a link to your opt in will be there for you to get new leads.

We are looking for thoughtful gifts of value.

They should be something you have sold or could sell that will support our business community, their family and their friends. Some members have offered coaching sessions of real value (not a sales call). Keep in mind the best gifts are ones that would provide genuine value to your target client and that demonstrates your authority and creates a trusted relationship. It is easier for you if its a gift that is one to many such as a digital product or group course online.

Examples are online course, ebooks, business development coaching, guides, blueprints, checklists, business programs, toolkits, coaching, assessments, success formulas, mini-course, self discovery, trainings, 1:1 sessions, membership, templates, on-demand webinars).

We have several workshops on creating lead magnets and giveaways in the membership hub to review and offer a live one in October.

About the Grand Connection:

The Grand Connection is a supportive global community that provides education, inspiration and support you need through EDUnetworking to reach your Grand Potential. Connect, create and collaborate with like minded leaders who share the values of Grand Giving.

What is Grand Giving?

Grand Giving is the underlying foundation of our three core values – connect, create and collaborate. It is through being in service in our community that we support each other and grow through sharing resources, skills, expertise, connections, referrals and opportunities. “Grand Giving” allows each business to share in a win, win relationship (Grand Connections) to support each other to level up and leverage each other’s expertise to grow profitable businesses together. Together is better!

There is a section in your profile called “Grand Giving”. This is the place to share if you have a member to member benefit, skills you can help with and any affiliate program. An important part of community is peer to peer learning and supporting each other. It is through giving that we gain the most.

Contributor Requirements:

Unlike other giveaways, we are open to any list size as long as participants contribute their best to co-market this event. It is a REQUIREMENT TO SEND ONE DEDICATED EMAIL AND A REMINDER (2 EMAILS IN TOTAL). Our expectation is that everyone participates by sending their emails and participates in sharing on social media. Your gift needs to be of real value and over $10. We also host livestream interviews to share your gifts and provide you with visibility.


Contributor Fees: $0

FREE for Grand Connection Members

(The value of this giveaway is $197)

You will need to provide:

  1. Title of Gift
  2. Description of Gift (include any deadlines and instructions, 60 words (please have enough words so there are no gaps)
  3. Gift image  480×270 pixels
  4. Link to your opt in for gift
  5. Max 60 word bio
  6. Headshot – 500×500
  7. Link to your opt in page (This is where someone signs up to get your free gift. If there’s a coupon you can add it in the description).


  • Submission is here.
  • If you don’t yet have an account here one will be created when you submit your contributions.
  • You can come back and edit you entry at any time.
  • Questions? Contact for more information.
  • YOU MUST BE A GRAND CONNECTION MEMBER TO PARTICIPATE. (More info on membership is here)

Instructions with swipe copy, live stream interview times (optional) and timing will be emailed to you closer to the campaign launch. This is a fun event and participants all enjoy the collaboration, visibility at the events and networking with the other members. We will also be hosting a workshop on how to create a lead magnet in October. This Grand Giveaway is different from the Grand Giving Conference. 

We look forward to another successful giveaway!

Learn to Build an Audience of Buyers
Christine Campbell Rapin Business Strategist & CEO

As part of the Grand Connection Giveaway, we are offering you 2 amazing resources to kick start your client growth TODAY.

  • An 11 Page E-book with 25 Ways to Attract More Buyers
  • An Invitation to a live 1-hour webinar and learn how to Attract More Buyers Consistently Without Big Advertising Budgets (Multiple Dates)

Learn how business growth can be elegantly simple when you know what to focus on to create more INCOME and impact in your business.

Acupressure Unveiled: Your Passport to a Blissful Mind and Vibrant Life
Deborah Myers Speaker, Practitioner, Trainer

Ready to go on a game-changing journey to improve you and your family’s physical, mental, and emotional well-being?

Dive into the world of self-help acupressure, a simple yet powerful practice that can balance energy, soothe the nervous system, and ease anxiety and stress, enabling you to improve your performance at home, school, and workplace.

Using only your fingertips, discover easy techniques in this class recording and complementary handout. You’ll also have the opportunity to book a free 60-minute one-on-one session!

Feb 28 │ Soar in 2024: 3 Keys to Unlock Your True Potential │ 12pm - 1:30pm PT
Carolyn Cooper-McOuatt World Class Business Strategist

Come experience this transformative journey to Soar in 2024, embracing 3 keys to unlock your true potential. 

Join me to explore what truth in business means, how to navigate change, and discover your unique value proposition. Learn to prepare and plan your strategy, cultivate abundance, and step into your highest self with clarity and inspired action. Elevate your path, simplify to secure success, and unlock your full potential. 

Live attendees receive my 13-page Inspired Business Blueprint.

Launch a Digital Product (including a course) in 7 Days... Using the Power of AI Prompts
Sue Pats Solopreneurs' Resource Queen
  1. Your Roadmap to Launching Your Online Course
  2. Create a Course in Just 7 Days Using AI-Powered Prompts
  3. A Comprehensive Guide to Crafting a Profitable Service or Product
Grand Strategic Networking Plan of Action Workshop
Susan Jarema & Carolyn Cooper McOuatt Co-Founders of The Grand Connection

Embark on a transformative journey in our interactive workshop, elevating your networking skills and unlocking the keys to success in the digital era. With our 6-Step Blueprint, set up for success, gain clarity, and build your network strategically.

Experience real-time networking, uncover secrets for referrals and client attraction. Master virtual networking, leaving with a custom plan for immediate impact. Join us and transform your approach to networking!

Guesting with Purpose Planner
Heather Cameron Client Attraction and Business Coach

Being a guest is one of the most powerful ways to rapidly expand a high-quality audience. Employ this comprehensive step-by-step planner and expert video training to ensure you're guest ready and positioned as a highly sought-after guest.

Cheat Sheet for Creating a Powerful Family Vision with Invite to Visioning Session
Patrice Porter Parent Support Coach, Author, Speaker

A cheat sheet giving step by steps to creating a compelling vision for your family, a future vision that is bigger than the present, to set out what is possible for you!

Get clarity for what it is you want to create - what you want your family life to look like in the future.

Because a vision without a plan is just a pipe dream, you are invited for a Visioning and Unearthing Potential Session with Parent Support Coach Patrice to start to lay out those plans - your roadmap for where you want to go.

Create stepping stones to avoid overwhelm and make bringing that vision to fruition more achievable!

Meal Prep Quick Start Guide
Sheri Mills Functional Nutrition Coach

This guide starts with a Kitchen Audit to organize your pantry, then use our MASTER LIST OF RECIPES TEMPLATE to explore a variety of flavorful dishes. Plan your week with our WEEKLY MEAL PLANNER TEMPLATE and shop efficiently with our comprehensive shopping list. This guide is your ultimate companion for a seamless, stress-free meal prep experience. Get ready to revolutionize your kitchen routine!

How to Overcome Relationship Problems that Always Surface Around the Holidays
Mike Stewart Mike Stewart Elephant in the Room Coach

As you go through the booklet you will have questions, feelings and emotions that may come up and I am there to support you at processing each one and get to the root of each. Don't let your past experiences sabotage you future holidays.

On Camera Confidence: Free 15 Minute Consult & Downloadable PDF of My Top 10 Tips
Laura Doman Actor & On Camera Coach

Are you preparing to go on camera soon? Lose the jitters, gain confidence, and look like a pro with my top 10 easy, practical tips. As a former corporate sales exec turned actor, I can help you bridge the worlds of business and entertainment to deliver a  video message that will stop scrollers in their tracks. My gift also includes a free 15 minute consult to discuss your biggest concern or upcoming appearance on camera.

FREE Self-Check on Your Personality Strengths
Sandy Goe Memorable Marketing Consultant

Discover YOUR personality strengths with this brief worksheet, and learn what top financially successful people have that you have too!  

Overcome the 7 Harmful Habits that Sabotage Speakers Video Training
Danielle Benzon Voice, Speech & Presence Coach

Have you ever not trusted a speaker without knowing why, even though everything they did and said was “correct”? 

Chances are that "gut feeling" is an interpretation of a million little messages that the speaker is broadcasting subconsciously through their vocal tone and body language.

When what you say (conscious choice) and how you say it (subconscious habits) are out of alignment, your audience will notice. 

Learn how to identify mismatches and build message cohesion to make a real impact.

New Year, New You: Health, Wealth and Prosperity
Melissa Deally Owner / Integrative Health Practitioner & Registered Health Coach

Embark on a transformative journey with our three-step program:

Step 1: Health - Heighten well-being awareness through a focused quiz.

Step 2: Wealth - Learn diverse communication strategies, connecting with all clients and fostering desire for your offerings.

Step 3: Prosperity - Master the art of setting boundaries for self-care, creating a life balance that fuels overall prosperity. Thrive in every aspect of your life through these essential steps.

The Ultimate: Shortcut to Shortcuts: Tech Tools Treasure Chest
Jackie Lapin Founder of SpeakerTunity, The Speaker & Leader Resource Company and Expert at Helping Leaders Get Booked

Is there a faster, easier, less expensive, less brain-power requiring solution to just about anything you need to do as a leader, expert, coach, author, speaker or entrepreneur? Yes, and you’ll likely find it in this massive collection of tech tools and resources broken down by task or subject!

There are tech shortcuts (both traditional and AI) that tackle so many tasks that eat up your time, diminishing your ability to be doing the impactful work that brings in the bacon. We’ve gathered many competitive products in one place so you can preview them all before making a decision—instead of trying to remember the alternatives. More time saved! 

Best of all, it’s an active excel file that YOU CAN KEEP AND ADD TO IT YOURSELF. Don’t try depending a faulty memory! Either find it here or store it here. How easy is that? 

Grab The Ultimate Shortcut to Shortcuts: Tech Tools Treasure Chest NOW and open up your world of ease and efficiency!

Guided Grief Journal
Cindy Burns Life Coach for the Grieving

This beautiful journal can help you process your grief through writing. With prompts such as “Write a letter to your loved one,” you'll be able to express your grief in ways that you might not be able to speak out loud. Print out extra pages as needed. Printed, this journal would make a thoughtful gift to someone who is grieving the loss of a loved one this holiday season.

Revitalize Your Health Give-Away
Debi Voris Certified Wholistic Health Coach

Embrace renewed vitality with my Revitalize Your Health Give-Away, a remarkable $175 value that includes a complimentary consultation, health evaluation & review, and a 30-day health and mindset action journal where you track you health and mindset, the foods, water and exercise you do.  It is great way to review your day, week, month and year to see what is working and what is not.

Speaker Secrets Cheat Sheet: How To Have The ‘It’ Factor On Stage
Devin Bisanz Speaker Trainer

Dr Suess famously said, “Why fit in when you were born to stand out?” Well, our company is driven by that quote. 

Anybody can get on stage and speak, the best speakers know the value of speaker training. This cheat sheet covers the fundamentals to having a rockstar stage presence:

  1. Little Known Body Language Secrets 
  2. Speech Structures For Any Speaking Engagement
  3. Hook Phrases That Work
  4. Secret Nuggets From Professional Speakers

Learn how to practice during everyday conversations, and how that translates into an irresistible leadership presence on stage. 

Recession-Proof Your Income By Attracting Successful And Wealthy Clients
Minesh Baxi Business Mentor

Your Path To Stress-Free Business Cycles Starts Here...

Recession-Proof Your Income By Attracting Successful And Wealthy Clients

  • How to Attract Your Dream Clients with our step-by-step guide.
  • Find Key Strategies to building long-lasting relationships with them
  • End Anxiety and Overwhelm during market-cycles
  • Special bonus: 30-min coaching on "Creating Your Game-Plan To Attract Wealthy Clients"(Valued @497)
12 Keys to Success in Life and Relationships + Free 3-Hour "Creating Your Dream Life" Workshop
Nadine Hanchar Counsellor │Consultant │Trainer│Author

Begin your 12 Keys to Success in Life and Relationships journey! 

Explore key areas of your life to uncover your true desires and manifest fulfilment in your life and relationships. Gain clarity, personalized insights, and effect positive change. You'll receive emails with videos and guides to support your transformational journey. 

Bring it all together at the workshop on Feb 6th to craft your compelling vision and learn to engage your mind, heart, and the universe to manifest your true desires.

What You Need to Know About AI Technology to Be Legally Compliant and Secure
Barbara Ingrassia President, Manage Copyright

Since ChatGPT became accessible to the public in November 2022, its popularity has spun numerous variations. There are countless webinars, workshops, all teaching about the uses — and wonders — of ChatGPT.

It’s like MAGIC-- But also MYSTERY.

This guide discusses:

  • AI (ChatGPT) and copyright law: the magic AND the mystery
  • Some Best Practices for using AI (ChatGPT) safely and legally as it evolves.
  • Knowledge of basic copyright skills is more important than ever to protect your valuable content (Your GOLDMINE)
80/20 Masterclass: Your Radical Reinvention Year!
Cheryl Brewster Business Intuitive, Mindset Coach & Speaker

The 80/20 Principle Redefined! If 80% of our results come from 20% of our effort, then doesn’t it make sense to have more fun in that 20%? Research proves that happy people close 40% more sales! Too often we sacrifice achieving something worthwhile without enjoying it, decreasing our bottom line and making life more difficult. In this Experiential Masterclass you will rejuvenate your “Time Mindset” for a more enjoyable, productive and prosperous year!

For More in 2024! Register Here!

Author Nation’s Coaching Week: Crafting Success Through Workshops and Coaching
Melody Ann Owen Founder, Author Nation

Is 2024 finally your year to write your book? Join Author Nation’s Coaching Week

If you're an aspiring author feeling overwhelmed or lost, join us for transformative workshops and coaching sessions. Addressing the struggles authors face, we guide you in setting goals, crafting a compelling book, navigating publishing, and establishing a blueprint for long-term success. 

It is time to redefine your narrative and kickstart your journey to becoming a recognized and impactful author.

Accelerate Productivity and Profit with One Small Change
Yvonne B McCoy Woman's business Strategist

Embark on a foundational journey crafted for entrepreneurs faced with juggling tasks and experiencing sporadic sales. Cultivate a strategic legacy mindset, realizing true productivity transcends checklists – it's about thinking. 

You will:

-Confront challenges, limiting beliefs and fears sabotaging your purpose.  

-Discover "Dead Reckoning," your compass for a legacy, making decisive choices today that resonate at your 100th birthday. 

-Seize the chance at to change and shape your growth and legacy. 

Take a small, courageous step towards an optimistic future – where your success journey begins with one small change.

FREE CYBER SECURITY WORKSHOP - ARE your devices and identity protected?
Betty Ann Ellis

You are being watched!  It is important to be aware of the threat of having your personal information stolen and sold on the dark web.  Interactive workshop through zoom provides education and solutions Jan 23 and Jan 24, 6 EST.  Attendees will be entered in to draw for a free IDSeal plan protecting 2-4 devices for 1 year including installation support from our very Special guest speaker, Abi - The Computer Angel!!  Free Gift Draw on Jan 24, 2024!!!! 



Humor Journal
Bonita Joy Yoder Funny is Money

Humor is an underleveraged and much needed 
“currency.”  Inside this Humor Journal you will find 10 simple humor prompts to recognize and claim the fun and funny in your life. Embrace and leverage your humor muscle in business and life to be memorable, attract customers, build rapport and increase conversion of leads leading to more revenue.  Remember, funny is money! 

Proven Hacks to Influencer Status
Julz Vitality PR Strategist

Sneak preview into a revolution in visibility! If you're tired of the slow climb to recognition and eager to unlock the door to instant fame, you're in the right place. Grab your ticket to skyrocketing your visibility, attracting millions of eyes to your business literally overnight! Or you can keep wasting the only non-renewable asset - time - to be seen by the same 100 people day after day. Your call! 

Neuro-Fitness: Success Workbooks Bundle
Tippy Missick Neuro-Fitness Expert

3 Unique Workbooks: These workbooks are your personal space to observe your thoughts without judgment, understand your patterns, and cultivate a moment-to-moment awareness that can be so enriching. The prompts are there to guide you, but your mind's landscape is the real hero of this story. So, go ahead, jot down what you feel, sketch your emotions, or simply sit with your breath.

1,000 Proven Email Subject Lines
Dr. Richard Kaye Business Growth Strategist

Get your emails opened!
Some 55 trillion emails never get opened every year!
Shocking? Not really. How many emails do you trash?
What gets you to open an email is the subject line.
Get access to 1,000 proven email subject lines—improve the potential for your emails to get opened.

The Business Benefits of Showing Appreciation
Mike Facherty Santa Mike

Want to boost staff morale and customer loyalty? 

This short guide considers The S.A.N.T.A. Mantra and outlines the numerous business benefits that arise from a practice of appreciation - including improved productivity, higher retention rates, increased referrals, and enhanced brand reputation. 

What simple, regular actions can you take to make employees and customers feel valued? Put the tips into practice to foster job satisfaction, team spirit, and competitive advantage. Showing your appreciation lets people know how you feel pays off!

All my healthy recipes, health tips, plus previously health & mindset recordings
Chu Tang Health & Wellness Entrepreneur
  1. A copy of my Ageless Mind Magazine
  2. 30 minutes free 1:1 coaching
Self-Love Meditation and special ho‘oponopono pdf
James Kawainui Native Hawaiian Healer

Resolving inner conflict with ourselves is a large part of our transformational process. Self-love is something most of us struggle with. As a special gift to participants, James is sharing his Self-Love Meditation to help you come into a deeper relationship with yourself as you practice more self-acceptance. He is also sharing a pdf copy of the ho‘oponopono process.

Loving Yourself Forward; A Self-Discovery Journal
Maggie Judge Healing Explorer

Reflect on who you aspire to be and increase your awareness of how your thoughts are driving your decisions and actions. This self-reflection journal invites you to:

  • Explore through 18 thought-provoking prompts
  • Repeat as you evolve, change, and grow
  • Choose to print or edit digitally
Build Your Ultimate Referral Machine in Just 4 Weeks!
Thomas Gay CEO

Learn how easy it is to have massive success with a simple daily referral-winning roadmap. You'll earn 8 or more high quality perfect referrals every month. Stop worrying where your next client will come from. Turn your goals into a sales results! 

Workbook: 7 Keys to Running a World-class Business (and One Thing NOT to Do)
Dr. Steven Kirch Biz Scaling Expert and Coach of Coaches

This workbook creates a template for building a world-class company. To make sure your business serves you instead of the other way around: where do YOU want to be in 3 years? Where does your business need to be to support that picture? What is your Mission (your Why)? What is your Vision (your Impact)? What is your Culture (your Values?) What are your KPIs? Who is accountable for what? What Rhythm is required to make it all work?

Generated 21,735 Leads in 30 days on AUTOPILOT
Gaetano Caruana Founder at

Experience a game-changing boost in your online business, coaching venture, consultancy, or event hosting with our exclusive cheat sheet that effortlessly garnered 21,735 leads in just 30 days – all on autopilot! 

Dive into unconventional referral marketing methods, learn to build the right team for scalable success, follow a proven formula for thousands of referrals and millions in revenue, and gain insights into the most engaging rewards for viral engagement. 

Grab your copy now and elevate your business to unprecedented heights!

Strategic Marketing and Selling Plan of Your Home
Laura Morrison Real Estate Professional

Unlock the secrets to a lucrative home sale! 

Download our exclusive lead magnet, 'Strategic Marketing and Selling Plan of Your Home' by Laura. Discover personalized tips for boosting curb appeal, making minor repairs, and professional staging. Gain insights on advertising strategies, negotiation tactics, and a seamless completion process. Elevate your home-selling journey with this essential guide. 

Don't miss out – download now for a successful and stress-free selling experience!

eBook: From Dream to Reality: A Guide to Writing Your Book
Jennifer Branig Bestselling author, Publisher, and Coach

One hour free strategy session value $200. I confirm that l wish to use this same gift for the Grand Giveaway Winter 2023 - 2024.
From dream to reality is my gift to everyone who attends the summit. This ebook has everything you need to start writing a book. It also has additional resources to help show you how to self-publish your book.

Five Heart-Touching, Soul-Stirring, Palate-Pleasing Travel Experiences
Lynn Elena Lee Travel Concierge

Longing for an out-of-ordinary experience that feeds your body, mind, and spirit and fosters connection with place, people, and self? 

This mini-travel guide presents five fabulous trips in the USA (no passport needed) that just may wow you.

Simple Marketing Plan Templates
James Hipkin CEO, Managing Director

The three Steps to Effective Marketing Funnels
Non-icky marketing supports your buyer's journey. The Simple Marketing Plan gives you the templates you need to build a customer avatar, plus map their journey. Both provide the insights you need to craft a marketing funnel that builds a relationship with your customers. Relationships build trust. And trust creates long-term value, value for your customer, and value for your business.

Finding Peace of Mind for Grievers
Maria Belanic Grief Coach

In the tumultuous landscape of grief, finding peace of mind isn't just a wish; it's a beacon guiding us through the darkest storms. This guide unearths the true essence of inner peace for grievers, delving beyond clichés and platitudes, and reframing grief to dispel misconceptions. 

The journey is about discovering an inner sanctuary of peace amidst the chaos of grief, that goes beyond conventional narratives.

The guide is part of a 12 week program that starts February 2024.

Stress Management Resource Guide
Monty Ritchings Spiritual Healing Practitioner

Self-Questionaire to assist reader to understand how stress is affecting them followed by practical tools for managing stress in daily life.

Crack My Code: Values Assessment
Michelle Lee Myrter Certified and Licensed Coach and Trainer

Values assessment with complimentary profile and sales report

A groundbreaking, practical, scientifically validated personality test to understand yourself better.

GPT for Business - Podcast Script Wizard
Matthew Maginley Business and Marketing Consultant

The Podcast Script Wizard is designed to be highly interactive and tailored to the user's needs. Upon initiating a conversation about podcast scriptwriting, it will prompt the user to specify the format of their podcast : interview, storytelling, educational, or entertainment. This allows for more customized advice and script development. It offers expertise in various genres including comedy, drama, and narrative storytelling. The GPT provides guidance on dialogue, narrative structure, character development, ensuring the script resonates with the intended audience. 

More Profits While Working Less Workshop
Deanne Duffin Strategic Advisor

You are working hard however you are not seeing the success you are hoping for. This workshop will guide you through a process relevant for any business, any stage, in any industry. You will come out with a clear, focused plan which is meaningful for you so you can take the most effective action steps to create more profit while working less, as well as having more impact and success.


How to Overcome Overwhelm in 7 Easy Steps
Dr Barnsley Brown President, Spirited Solutions

In your ebook gift, you’ll find out:

  • how to manage yourself and your resources so you have 2+ more hours per day to spend how YOU want
  • how to get rid of energy drains and energy vampires so you have abundant energy for YOUR life
  • how to get off your “but” and stop making excuses for what you don’t like in your life
  • how to harness your intuitive powers and creativity so you can do ANYTHING!
Craft Your New Year's Rental Resolution - Workshop Results and Downloadable Rental Guide
Emin Muhammad Founder

Calling all Landlords, Property Managers, Realtors, and Real Estate Investors! Ready to shape your rental success in 2024? Join us for recap of 'Craft Your 2024 Rental Plan Resolution' workshop and discover the keys to tripling your income, simplifying operations, and enjoying rental management on your terms.

Let's make 2024 your year of unprecedented success in real estate!

Jill Lublin's Publicity Breakthrough Bootcamp - January 24 - 26, 2024
Jill Lublin 4x Best-Selling Author, International Speaker, Master Publicity Strategist

How Would You Like An Insider Access To Our Closed-Door Bootcamp… Where You Can 'Copy & Paste' Our Proven PR Strategies To Attract More Visibility To Your Business, Become A Celebrity In Your Niche, And Have A Long Waitlist of Dream Clients…

…Even in The Most Competitive Industries?

Give me 2-4 hours daily for 3 short days and I’ll show you the exact action steps to dominate your industry and fill your pipeline with loads of dream clients… without hiring a PR agency or spending more money on advertisements.

Enter the promo code GRAND - a credit card will still be required but you will not be charged.

Voucher for 1rh of VA hire and a free graphic
Karina Kantas CEO Author Assist

With gratitude and kindness, you will receive a voucher that entitles you to 1hr Virtual Assistance, covering social media promotion of your book or business. And to receive a designed graphic using your company logo and branding. Then it will be promoted across social media channels. 
The voucher is valid until August 2024.  The voucher can be used at any time, providing Author Assist is available.

Email:  Use code GCWGAA24 to receive your voucher.

Strategic Sales Funnels Workshop for Coaches
Linda Kaye & Richard Osborne Marketing & Creative Services

This workshop is for coaches and course creators who need digital marketing clarity, support, direction or a platform that gets their programs sold online.

In January we explored how sales funnels and automation help entrepreneurs pre-qualify prospects and stay top-of-mind. 

Join us on Monday, February 19, from 10 am- 11 am PT / 1 pm - 2 pm ET when we present Partnership Sales Strategies and how your program can automate partnership signups and share promotional resources as well as track referrals and payouts.

If you are happy to pay commission when others promote your offer to their tribe, this workshop is for you.  


Newsletter Content Guidebook - January
Marianne D'Alessandro Newsletter Content Creator

It is easier than ever to create a monthly newsletter with this Monthly Content Guidebook. It is filled with ideas, prompts and even a full template for you to use to send your newsletter! You no longer need to fret, stress, get frustrated and procrastinate!
All you need to do is open the Newsletter Monthly Guidebook and follow along. 

A Freedom Exploration: Awareness, Your True Self, is What You Are.
Radavie Riom Spirit Based Healer

You are not the biographical self you were groomed to be. This Freedom Exploration that I am offering you, is for you to experience the truth of who you really are - a Divine Spark - prior to your conditioned self.

Hypnotherapy Audio Recordings
Renay Roberts Longevity Coach & Hypnotherapist

Gain access to SIX audio recordings that you can enjoy at bedtime.

  • Anxiety
  • Emotional Eating
  • Insomnia
  • Monkey Brain
  • Self Love / Self Esteem
  • Stress Reduction
Free copy of Ebook - The "S" Word
Rob Bedell Fractional VP of Sales

A book breaking down what sales is and the different types of salespeople.

The Ultimate 5-Baby Step Formula for Generating High-Quality Leads and Paying Clients
Steve Eriksen Founder and CEO

If you don't have these 5 baby steps in place in your business, you'll struggle to build your list, and convert your prospects into clients. Steve is sharing what every coaching, speaking, or event business must have in place in order to really get results from all their marketing and speaking efforts.

112 Profitable Coaching Niches Checklist
Terra Bohlmann Business Coach + Online Trainer

Discover 112 Profitable Coaching Niches to Get More Visibility and Make More Impact. 

  • Get clarity to position yourself as an authority in a growing coaching market to establish yourself as a leader.
  • Break away from saturated coaching markets and find your unique path to more profitability.
  • Identify untapped coaching markets where your expertise and passion will make a significant impact.